Help. Advise needed. Rabbits ate tulips.

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Jan 28, 2013
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Last night, around 9PM, I noticed that the three tulips on my desk were gone. The flowers were gone, but the stems and leaves were there.
I'm not sure if both bunnies ate them, but I'm pretty sure that my Netherland Dwarf is the only one who can climb high. The tulips were probably ingested sometime between 4PM-7PM.

Anyway, we only have three exotic vets here. None of them were available last night, and both bunnies were acting normally, but we still decided to rush our bunnies to the Animal Hospital, which is two cities away. We arrived at the ER around 10PM. The attending vet there was not a pro (she said so herself), and she had no experience handling bunnies. She asked for advise from the exotic vets over the phone. They suggested activated charcoal, so they gave them a dose each. The exotic vet then suggested that they attach an IV, or administer fluids under the skin, but the attending vet refused to do so because of her non-experience with rabbits. My husband and I also felt hesitant to have her inject them, too. They then prescribed another dose of activated charcoal and Vitamin B, and after midnight, we were able to go home. Both bunnies are still behaving normally.

I seeked advise in a Facebook group, and one very helpful member there was able to contact a friend of hers who is a rabbit nurse. She suggested that the shot of fluids is essential, and that the charcoal might be harmful, especially if the bunnies aren't showing symptoms of toxicity. At that point, I really wasn't able to do more to have the ER personnel administer fluids. They just told me to go for a follow-up consultation when the exotic vet is available.

Now, I am confused. I still haven't given the buns their next dose of activated charcoal. They are acting normally: eating, drinking, hopping on the bed, begging for treats. I've yet to give them the Vitamin B (which the vet says will protect the liver), but I'm hesitant to give them the charcoal. I called the exotic vet, and he says that he can't squeeze us in his schedule for the week, and I could just have other non-exotic vets inject the fluids. I'm now looking for a regular vet who can inject them, but I'm still not sure because I don't even know how much fluids they should be injected with.

Can anyone who's had an experience with this sort please advise me on what to do? Both bunnies are currently sleeping, they've just eaten their greens (bok Choy), had some hay, and were playing and running around the room as of 7AM this morning. I am very confused. Should I give them the next dose of activated charcoal? Should I find a vet to inject them with fluids? I'm pregnant right now, and my belly is getting bigger by the day, so carrying them in their carrier is starting to take the toll on my back and hips. My husband is asking if it's ok to wait until tomorrow afternoon to have them injected with the fluids...

Hoping to hear from you guys as soon as possible!

Bunny kisses,
my buns love to eat iris leaves in my yard, and only now I have read they are supposed to be toxic. Never had a problem.
I think your bunnies would show some sings of distress by now if tulips harmed them. Honestly, I would leave them alone.
Just give them their doses and encourage more drinking. Offer bowls of water spiked with just a smidge of apple juice or something yummy. You want to flush their systems out, this is why having the fluids injected by the vet would have helped.
My rabbit ate a lily, I can't remember the exact kind but I do remember when I looked it up at the time it was toxic and she never showed any symptoms. I think sometimes they can process it and be unaffected? I don't know.
Even if your animal doesn't show symptoms that doesn't mean the toxin didn't affect their kidneys or liver.
Sometimes it is best to do bloodwork on the animal after to ensure organ function is still at 100%.
Did you know that if a human overdoses on Tylenol you likely will see the damage days later and not right away.
Not everything is immediate or visible to our own eyes.
Hi everyone! Sorry for the late update, and thank you so much for all the replies..
Both bunnies are still acting normally - eating, drinking, chasing each other. There's just one thing I'm concerned about with my Netherland Dwarf. He seems to be in good spirits, but I noticed that his right eye is almost always half-closed when he is eating and resting. The left eye is as wide as always. I'm not sure if it's a reaction, or an injury.. These boys are playing more roughly than usual since last week. My lionhead finally reached puberty (ND's testicles have descended a month ago), and they been running around a lot. Well, it's the ND who does the chasing most of the time. He keeps on wanting to hump my Lionhead. Sometimes, my Lionhead just lies down and lets him hump him, sometimes they chase each other, and sometimes the Lionhead circles and sprays the ND. I've been bugging the vet for the neuter, but he says that it can't be done yet. Maybe after November. It's incredibly frustrating for me since I've read that they can be neutered as long as their testicles have descended.
Anyway, that's the only thing that has been disturbing me. The right smaller/half-closed eye. I'm scared that there might have been some nerve damage. The next vet schedule that's available is still on Saturday, so I really can't do anything much except pray.