HELP abdomen hard and lumpy

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New Member
Oct 23, 2011
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Manchester, New Hampshire, USA
I cut my bunny's nails today and had her on her back. Her lower abdomenal area was hard and bumpy (almost like a body builders stomach muscles)..the fur is gone and the area is about 2 in long by about 1.5in wide. She is about 6.5y old, neutered before age 1y and has been very healthy all her life. She is an indoor bunny, who is litter trained and gets out of her crate several times a week for runs...she loves to eat and her diet consists of large quantities of unlimited hay andblue seal pellets. She is fed an occasional veggie, like carrots/carrot tops. She is a bit 'poofy' aka chubby...but still maintains the 'pear shape' from above. The only unusual behavior of late is excessive peeing (outside her litter box) and a lot of pooping (mostly normal...just more excessive than usual). Today, however she has not pooped all day. She is alert and is acting fine....not lethargic in any way. When we first saw her abdomen we panicked...but now are a bit more calm and looking for any suggestions of what this might it serious.....what should we do??? (it is a Sunday regular Vet is not in). An immediate response is most appreciated!

Thank yoU!!!
Has she still not pooped? If not, you need to find an emergency vet and take her in.
Does her abdomen seem to hurt her? Could it be gas? How much has she pooped today? Have you recently noticed an increase in the amount she's eating? You could try some gas meds (baby simethicone) and some gentle massage and see if that helps.

Excessive peeing can be a sign of urinary trouble--such as an infection or kidney failure. I would definitely schedule a vet appointment for tomorrow or as soon as possible.

Hope that helps!

That sounds very strange. I have had bunnies with gas and stasis, and neither's stomachs looked lumpy or hairless.

She might have bloat, which is gas in the stomach, and it can lead to a distended abdomen. That's an emergency situation.

I am more inclined to believe, considering the hair loss as well, that there is a skin disease going on here, or mammary gland issues. I would have it seen by a vet soon, and sooner if she starts acting more strange. They could be fatty tumors (usually benign), cysts, mammary tumors, skin cancer, some other skin disease, maybe even bladder cancer since she has urinary issues as well. Definitely needs an experienced vet to take a look at it. Is there any skin discoloration? Could you put up a pic?

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