Hellos! :)

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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2007
Reaction score
, New Jersey, USA
Hey everyone!

My name is Michelle - and I have a neitherland dwarf bun named Zeus. He just turned one this past June 14th. Before him, I had a mutt bun named Nibbles, he passed away in my arms when he was a little over 15.

Anyways if you want to know a little about me, I'm 21 years old, and I'm going to college to be a wildlife biologist. I love animals of all kinds, but have a special love for rabbits :)

I also started a myspace group called Money for Bunnies, we try to raise money to donate to rabbit shelters and rescues. If anyone's interested in taking a look, here's the link - http://www.myspace.com/money4bunnies

And here are a few pictures of my little Zeus :)


Hi there,

Welcome to the forum.

Zeus is a very handsome bunny. Gorgeous infact, lol.

At the moment the forum is undergoing some refurbishment, so if you come across things not working, don't panic, the mod team are trying their hardest to get it all sorted and up and running again.

I look forward to seeing you around and learning more about Zeus.

Take care

Welcome to the forum, Michelle!

I can't believe you had one 15 years old, that's awesome.

I can't wait to hear all about your Zeus, feel free to start a blog in our blog section.

Oh, and could you put your location in your profile? It helps us give advice when you have questions as far as health, food, etc.;)

Again, Welcome to the forum!
Hello and welcome to the forum! :D

On the slideshow in your myspace, I feel like that is one of our members (Haleys) dutch bunny sitting in the bag, and its the 12th pic in, kinda hard to explain, but its in the slideshow....

lol call me crazyyyy :D
Hi there and welcome!

What a cool myspace site! And Phinnsmommy is right, that is my boy Max on your slideshow. He'll be happy to hear he's famous :)

Cant wait to see more pics of your little guy. Welcome!
Welcome to the forum! I really like your Myspace page. The slideshow is great!

Zeus is such a cutie. It looks like he's really lucky to have you. I hope he, and all of my buns, live to be 15!:shock:

BTW, I studied Environmental Science in college and was a Wildlife Biologist for a while. It's a lot of fun, just make sure to intern for government agencies so you know what you're getting into, LOL!
Welcome to RO Michelle!

Ooooh I love Zeus, he's a cutie!

Hope you like RO, it's a great place :biggrin2:

~Michaela and the girls~
Thanks for the warm welcomes, everyone :)

That's kewl that that's your bun in the slideshow! I didn't make it, I just found it on myspace. I thought it was cute and fit the whole bunny theme well :)