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New Member
Dec 11, 2018
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North Carolina
Hello, I am not new to rabbits but have been doing research for roughly 3 years now, studying husbandry, health, genetics and making the decision on what breeds I want to raise. I have experience raising other animals such as rats, mice, guinea pigs, and seramas. Though my partner runs the rat and mice breeding as a hobby and has pushed me to achieve my goal of raising rabbits, even though she is mildly allergic. The breeds I've decided I want to raise are, pedigreed silver foxes, English lops and later I would like to breed flemish giants as well, but I have decided to only start with one breed and then expand from there.
This is completely my opinion but it seems to me, having had indoor rabbits for decades, that it would be wise to first gain experience in having house rabbits as pets. Until one has had experience caring for individual rabbits as pets on a daily, long-term basis, it is my opinion that one will have a huge knowledge gap that would prevent one from fully understanding rabbits as pets. This, in turn, would be detrimental to raising and selling rabbits, and especially to offering the advice that buyers would be looking for and relying upon.

Rabbits are one of the most commonly misunderstood pets and many myths exist in the minds of the inexperienced about what they are truly like as individual pets. Experience, and experience alone, can displace those myths and begin to give one an understanding of rabbits as pets.

Learning their subtle body language takes time and attentive experience. Changing moods and subtle body changes - hinting at a health issue - are often missed by newbies simply from lack of experience.

Until one has kept and cared long-term for house rabbits, it seems premature to start breeding and raising them. Just some thoughts to consider.

If you already have such experience, great. Maybe other newbies will read this and consider.

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