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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2005
Reaction score
, British Columbia, Canada
Hi everyone! Hoppy Halloweenie!:pIfound this forum on the net, and it looked intresting, so I decided tojoin :). I have a Nehterland dwarf that is just over a year old. Sherecently had some problems in her intestines due to a blockage withhair and other kinds of stuff. I had taken her to the vet and heprescribed a few mixtures that I had to syringe feed her for about aweek (she looked so cute wrapped in a towel!). I also gave her somelaxotive to help get the blockage going and soem fresh pineapple mix.

She returned to normal eating about three weeks later after Inoticed it. A few days after, I noticed that all her hair under herchin was gone. I read it could be from a number of things, but decidedagainst them all except for stress as she'd been fused over and takenout of her cage exc. She's over that now, and hair is now growing.

What I'm confused about it that, she doesn't eat her pellets plainanymore! I Don't have a problem with this, it's just odd. She getsenough to eat with her hay, fruits nad vegetables. Can a rabbit behealthy with no pellets in their diet? Also, I read on a few sites, anda post on another forum that rabbits can eat a bit of plain oatmealfrom the bag with nothing in it as a treat? I saw nothing wrong withit, so I started giving her an amount the size of one of my nuckles inthe morning and at night on her food. She seems to have enjoyed thisand eats the oatmeal and some of her pellets. I was also wondering,because I read you shoudl give your rabbtis different kinds of haybecause they haev different textures, and it helps to wear down theirteeth? I have only foudn timothy and alfalfa and am giving her that ( 1part alfalfa 3 parts timothy)

Sorry the post is so long, jsut go crazy when I start to talk about my baby :):mrsthumper:


You are in the right place. Yes rabbits can have oatmeal. mine getabout a teaspoon a day with their pellets. good to hear your baby isdoing better. What is her name?

you can find alot of info with the search button, and everyone here is very helpful.

Alright that's good to hear! Yup! I'm very gladshe's going better! Her name is Pepsi :). She's a mixtures of shades ofgrey (depending on molting she could eb light or dark) with a whitetummy :).
Welcome...there's also lots of links to great info on the Top Picks thread at the top of the forum.

Please when you get a chance, post pics...we LOVE pics! :)
I would, but I don't have a digital camera :( Isit ok If I post a picture that I foudn that looks close to my rabbit?Woudl that be allowed? :S
i don't have a digi camera either. i just get adisk included when i get my pics developed (it comes free), then i loadthem up on photobucket. takes me ages to get pics up.

ps-i don't even have A camera, i buy those disposible ones :)

course you can put some pics up that look like Pepsi, when you getpictures of her you can make her own homethread. (that's what most do)
Oh ok that'll work! Yeah, I jsut buy those cheapdisposable ones too! Hehe. I'll try to figure otu how to post somethingup but do you have any tips?? I cna look around for a way :cool:
Welcome to the forum !!!!!

I was reading that Pepsi has lost the hair under chin, and not eating pellets.

Have you had Pepsi's teeth checked???

One of my girls, lost hair under the chin, and it turned out she needed her back teeth trimmed.

Did you vet checked Pepsi's the last time you were there ??

It may just be due to stress, but just to be on the safe side, it may be worth having them checked.

Again welcome to the family !!!!

Zee and the Girls
Hi Spring! Are you coming over from Mismatch?

I pop in there from time to time. This place is awesome. You will love it.

I hope your bunny gets better soon.



Hi and welcome Spring!:wave: Good to hear your bunny is doing well, you'll love the forum here, great people great advice.
There is a cheat sheet in the stickied post at the top of the forumpacked with info, and if you are looking for something in particularyou can serach with the box in the top right hand corner.

Once again welocme and enjoy your time here. ;)
Don't think it's her teeth, as the vet examinedher mouth with that magnify light tool? (Forgot the name) and said fromthe good look he got, he foudn nothing wrong with her teeth. He alsosaid that if her cheek teeth had been overgrown she would have I thinkhe mentioned weepy eyes due to the cheek teeth interfering with thetear duct, or we would have drooling. We had neither, so he said hedidn't think this was the problem. Yes, I'm also at mismatch :).

Trying to figure out how to put picture.. Just a sec :p
Hi Spring and Pepsi! :wave:

I have a Netherland Dwarf, called Pebbles. She is about 16 months old.

I feed her about a 1/4 cup of Oxbow Basic T pellets everyday. She gets a tablespoon of oats, some sunflowerseeds plus fruits and vegetables, and othertreats. I feed her fresh papaya, driedpapaya, and papaya tablets daily. On occasion, shegets fresh pineapple, and pumpkin. She never had problemswith fur blockage.

Pebbles gets unlimited Timothy Hay, and some alfalfa hay astreats. Today I bought some Timothy Hay cubes and she lovesit. The cubes are hard and Pebbles really has to crunch onthe treat.

If thereare too many otherthings for Pebbles to eat, pelletsis the last thingshe will finish. :p

Rainbows! :D

Hi Spring !

That's good to hear that Pepsi's teeth are fine. I was worried there for a bit.

Spring wrote:
Don't think it's her teeth,as the vet examined her mouth with that magnify light tool? (Forgot thename) and said from the good look he got, he foudn nothing wrong withher teeth. He also said that if her cheek teeth had been overgrown shewould have I think he mentioned weepy eyes due to the cheek teethinterfering with the tear duct, or we would have drooling. We hadneither, so he said he didn't think this was the problem. Yes, I'm alsoat mismatch :).

Trying to figure out how to put picture.. Just a sec :p
My friend gave me a small bag of the food shegives her rabbit, to see if she'll eat it. When I put it in the dish,she ate it all in a matter of minutes! I still have some left fortonight, so tomorrow I will go and get her that food! This may soundsilly, but is broccoli ok to give them on a regular basis? I've heardit can cause gas in humans, and was just wondering if it affectedrabbits digestion? I read about the oxbow pellets on a few sites andthey all went crazy telling how great they were! I found a place thatsells them, but it's quite far away!

For the last week and a bit, I've noticed my rabbits urine is darker...I've also been feeding her lots of carrots could this be it? I can'tfind any squishy or lumpy stuff in her urine, just the shavings are abit darker then they should be. I also read it could be from the firstreal cold temepratures? It has been a bit colder in the few weeks. Itsaid it can clear up in a few days, or take up to 2-3 weeks! Shedoesn't seem bothered by it, so I don't think it could be anything tooserious. Any ideas?

:witch:Hehe Happy Halloween.. Hope your bunnies don't get toostressed with the fire works! Pepsi isn't too affected by them, but Ijust play music quietly if she's stressing out and I just talk to her.(I don't think she likes country music! Tehehe :) )

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