My name is Nicki and I live in Newcastle upon Tyne with my boyfriend, a couple of our friends, and most importantly, Dexter. Dexter is a white and black lionhead aged around 8-9 weeks, and we're all in love with her!
I had a bunny when I was younger who lived for about 5 or 6 years (the vet said he died because mum gave him too much lettuce
) but I guess I'm kinda new to the bunny owning gang!
Dex seems to be doing well so far, she's living outside in a 2 level hutch, but I bought her a big playpen for indoors and I guess outdoors when it stops raining. She seems happy, lets me groom her (most of the time), she's eating A LOT but I guess that's coz she's growing.
I'm a bit anxious I might do something wrong and she'll die, so you all might have to guide me!

My name is Nicki and I live in Newcastle upon Tyne with my boyfriend, a couple of our friends, and most importantly, Dexter. Dexter is a white and black lionhead aged around 8-9 weeks, and we're all in love with her!
I had a bunny when I was younger who lived for about 5 or 6 years (the vet said he died because mum gave him too much lettuce
Dex seems to be doing well so far, she's living outside in a 2 level hutch, but I bought her a big playpen for indoors and I guess outdoors when it stops raining. She seems happy, lets me groom her (most of the time), she's eating A LOT but I guess that's coz she's growing.
I'm a bit anxious I might do something wrong and she'll die, so you all might have to guide me!