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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2008
Reaction score
Holland, Michigan, USA
Hello. My name is Sara Zwagerman. My boyfriend and I have 5 rabbits all together. Skylar, Thumper and their 3 new additions. The kits were born 2 weeks ago and it's been amazing watching them grow. I can't wait to meet everyone and get more knowlege about them. Of corse I got Skylar at Easter but I'm not one of those pepole that will just give her away. I then thought Skylar needed a friend so My boyfriend bought me Thumber on the 4th of July. Than little to my surprise they had three little ones not long later.
Welcome to the forum, Sara!:wave:

How old are the momma and daddy? Can you afford to get them fixed? If not, I would certainly separate the dad. But, then you've got another problem looming, when the wee ones get old enough to breed:?. So, they need to be sexed and taken away from mom, the males, byeight weeks I think it is, but am not totally sure.

Again, welcome, look forward to hearing more from you and all about your buns!
Hi there and welcome!

Are mom and dad still together? If yes you need to separate them ASAP and get ready- you have moreon the way in about 2 weeks.

Unless youre really serious about getting into breeding you should have your boy neutered asap. You will still have to wait at least two months before he can be around your girl without impregnating her.

Anyway, looking forward to pics of your babies!



PS. Can you please post a general location in your profile? It helps us when giving advice. Thanks!

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