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Mar 5, 2008
Reaction score
Murrieta, California, USA
Hello, hope everyone had a good easter. Mine was very quiet. Anyway, Verona, my bunny had 6 babies last week, and I was just cleaning out the cage or around the babies, and I found one that is not being fed, and skinny, and Imworried it will die. :XWhat do I do about it??Nothing, and leave it and see what happens??? I really really hope that Verona discovers that she hasnt beenfeeding it. Anyway, hope everyone is having a good nite....or day, or whatever it might be where you are.

I hope that someone could help me, and let me know what to do.

Thanks so much

HI Sue, I'm moving this to the Rabbirty section. (We would have seen it quicker if you added to your original post.)

Some litters have one or two that are smaller than the rest of the litter. (Some people call them the runts.) Sometimes they are smaller because there is something wrong with their developement. Some don't have the ability to suckle properly or digest what they do suckle. Some don't have the strength to shove their way to a nipple.

What you can do is take the little guy out with the doe out during the day and give him some private nursing time where he doesn't have to compete with his siblings. (Since most does feed early in the morning and late at night, sometime in beween would be best for him.) See if he latches onto a nipple and suckles. Just place the doe on a level place and put the baby underneath. You can also hold the doe on her back (if she will cooperate) and place the baby on her belly. But be careful, some does won't lay still for that and the baby can go "flying" with one kick of her feet!

Please give the baby every opportunity to get the nutrition it needs. Unfortunately, sometimes not all the babies make it. This is one of the down sides of breeding. Let us know how he makes out.
HI, Thanks so much for the response. I did try to put the baby under the mommy, abd the mommy didnt like it at all. But i did notice today that it did look little better. So, Im hoping that mommy will take good care of it, and make sure that she feeds it. I did have all of them in my 2nd bathroom in the cage and moved everyonr out on the balcony tonite. I couldnt handle the smell anymore. It was getting to me, and I did cover the cage also so they all dont get cold over nite, and did put straw on the side of thecage IN CASE if hey or one of them falls out thru the nite and will stay warm.

Thanks so much for the repsonse


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