Welcome to the forum.
I'm sorry Tyler had to leave for the bridge. I'm sure he is playing at the RBB with my bunnies Moki and Moehrchen :angel:
Can't wait to see pics of Bailey :brownbunny
Nice to meet you! I can't wait to see pictures of your Bailey...but I'm so sorry to hear of your losing your Tyler. It's so hard to lose a sweetie-pie...
I can't wait to hear and see more about your sweet girl, though! We LOVE pictures around here, so feel free to start a Bunny Blog and tell us all about her!
Also, feel free to browse our extensive Lagomorph Library, which has all sorts of articles about just about every facet of bunny life! From health topics to just good bunny information!
So, pull up a chair, grab some coffee (or tea), and have fun!