My 8 yr old daughter would like to be in livestock 4-H and show bunny(ies). We are just in the planning stage. What bunny to buy? The 4-H leader we spoke with raises and breeds mini-lops. She says they have good temperment can anyone back that statement up? I thought I read that you do not want to house mini-lops together so if we wanted multiple bunnies would this be a bad choice? I don't want a snapish dwarf rabbit. Are there some good dwarfs any of you can recommend? Also we have 2 labrador retrievers 3 yrs and 5 months, they would either be in scent of the rabbit or able to see it in her cage. Has anyone experienced a problem with that arrangement? I do have lots of questions probably not appropriate for the introduction blog... so I better stop here. I heard this was a good website for knowledge so that is why I became a member!