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New Member
Oct 22, 2007
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Sacramento, California, USA
Hey, I'm new (of course) and my mom is Hazel-Mom. My rabbit is White Chocolate, and she is absolutely adorable (according to me at least). She loves spending hours on my lap and is quite attatched to me. Her pictures have already been on this site, posted by my mom. She lets me get away with almost anything when she's on my lap, or wants my attention (which is almost all the time). Anyway, I got her about 2 years ago at an adoption event at a Petco hosted by the Sacramento House Rabbit Society. We had to take her because she was on 'death row' for the second time. She is an English Spot, and quite energetic. She still has some lingering problems with her time in the shelter, but they are really just some personality quirks (she distrusts strangers and growls/bites sometimes). She is the best bunny to have because we both absolutley adore eachother. The one bad thing is that she gets grumpy/depressed when I am away too long from her.

I'll put up pictures of her soon, but anybody wanting to see what she looks like can search for her pictures already on the site.

Hey! I agree with you, White Chocolate is adorable :nod!

The bond between you sounds amazing! It sounds like she is your heart bun :hearts.

Again, welcome, cant wait to see more pics and her more stories of White Chocolate.
"She is an English Spot, and quite energetic. She still has some lingering problems with her time in the shelter, but they are really just some personality quirks (she distrusts strangers and growls/bites sometimes)."

"Sometimes"? LOL, she's the bun my husband named "the Furry Little Quisenart", aka "Bunzilla", aka "Atilla the Bun" :biggrin2:. Picture the "Cute White Rabbit With Big Pointy Teeth" from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail":biggrin2:.
She used to bite and growl a lot (except at Mommy of course), and even now she still thinks she's a "guard bun on duty" in Her and Mommy's room. Oh, and forget about putting your hand in her condo... except if you're Mommy, of course :).
She's calmed down a lot, though, and she'll let "Grammy" pick her up and cuddle when she wants attention, too. Though last week she gave me yet another scar, the little stinker :p.

Here're a few picture from adoption day and when she just came home, exploring her first "cage" and the room.






More later, I need to get my daughter access to my pictures on Image shack, or get her to set up her own album.

I'm so glad you finally made it here!

I like those spunky attitude bunnies - so you have me sold on her already! My Bo can be a bit of a brat, too! but he loves me and I love him to pieces!

Welcome! Im so happy you can finally join us here (stupid technical problems) :biggrin2:

Now, you have to tell me tips on how to get my mom to love bunnies as much as yours does. Im jealous ;)

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