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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
West Suffield, Connecticut, USA
Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm jess, and the beautiful gal pictured is gabby. i adopted her last week. as you can see in the second picture, gabby's previous owner didn't take very good care of her. they let her sit in her own urine without ever changing the cage. :(now her bottow half is dyed yellow. i'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions to correct the situation (obviously a lot of love is inorder, along with a lot of out of cage time!) i bathe her daily- as was done in the shelter- with a rabbit fur clearner i bought at petco. should i just keep up that?thanks for the help!


Hi Jess! Welcome to the forum! :wave:

Gabby is a pretty rabbit. Is she your first bunny?

I adopted a bunny from a friend last week too. Bebe likes to pee on the cage floor right after I clean it, so I can't help it when she steps in her own pee. I must of wiped her pee up four times in the last 20 minutes. I even set up two litter boxes in her cage. I hope she stops when I get her spayed.

I wouldn't bathe her daily. Most rabbits like to stay clean if they can help it. What is this rabbit fur cleaner that you have?
Welcome to RO Jess!!

Congrats on getting Gabby, you will love being a bunny-owner. :)

I wouldn't worry too much about the stained fur, is it causing an issue with her skin at all? She will clean herself and it will probably come off gradually, also, I've heard using a big of vinegar can help get rid of urine stains, though I'm not sure if it works. I'd be a bit wary of bathing her though, are you putting her into that water or cleaning her with a cloth?

Enjoy the forum, there's a lot of info here. :D

~Michaela, and the girlies~
Welcome to RO!!!

You sound like you are giving her lots of love and care. You will learn SO much in this forum! Gabby is adorable and gorgeous! Has her fur cleaner been working for the stain? If not, it should wear away hopefully. Does she like bathes? Most people do not reccomend baths, as you have heard. But it sounds like she is getting the life she deserves!!!


Gabby is soooooooo adorable. Those are some nasty stains though huh? I wouldn't worry about the stains but you should take a good look at her skin to make sure nothing is irritated. My bunny had that problem but all her skin had burned and infected from the urine and her gnawing at it from the pain. :(People don't think of those things. I am glad you took her in. Rabbits make great pets :biggrin2:
Hi there and welcome to you and Gabby!

She is just adorable and so lucky to be with you. As others have mentioned, you can try a little water/vinegar mix. I wouldnt give her a wet bath unless youre just dunking her bottom in the sink a little. A wet soapy washcloth should work fine.

So excited to see more pics


PS. Could you please post a general location in your profile? It helps us mods. Thanks!
thanks so much for all the advise! gabby doesn't seem to mind the baths actaully, she seems to think its funny to run around the entire room sopping wet and splash water everywhere. so to be honest, if i dont' have to do them it is less work to clean up after her. :)~jess
Hi Jess and welcome to RO your Gabby is beautiful she looks to be a Broken Sable point Holland or Mini Lop....(am I right?)

I wouldn't worry to much about the staining asshemolts/sheds it will come out of her. as long as it is not new peeI wouldn't bath her

Once agin welcme to RO

actually, its funny that you ask what type of rabbit she is. i have no idea. at the shelter they just stated that she was a mixed breed. i was guessing either mini lop or holland as well. i was going to ask for some opinions.
What a lovely bun! Aside from the fur staining, that is. I personally wouldn't try to clean her up too much as it might frighten her or irritate her skin. It will disappear during her next molt, which might be soon if her food has been changed.

Any idea what she weighs? She looks more like a mini lop to me.

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