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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2007
Reaction score
cheshire, , United Kingdom
Hello everybody!

I'm new to this site today!

I've had a Rex for over a year now, her name is Lucy. Shecame to us when a friend tired of caring for her, shes a biggirl! I'm not sure of the technical name of her colouring, Ithink she is an Agutti?

A couple of weeks ago my family bought me a pair of babiesfor mothers day. They are Lionhead/mini lop cross and areever so cute! I don't care that they aren't pure breed asthey are just for pets! The boy is called Rodger and the girlRosie! Both are grey and white. Rodger has a typical lionheadmaine and Rosie is smooth.

I look forward to meeting everyone here! I regularly post ona fish forum and I think you can learn loads from these sites!

Sarah x


Welcome to Rabbits Only!!:welcome1

Oh I love rexes, they are my favourite breed, you must show us picturesof Lucy!! And the new little guys, they sound adorable!:bunnyheart

If Lucy is the colour of wild rabbits then yes her colour is agouti.

Hope you enjoy posting on the forum, I'm sure you will love it!:bunnydance:

Michaela:), Ebony:bunny5, Pebble:anotherbun and Maddie:bunny16
Hi and welcome to the forum! Your Bunns soundlovely:apollo:I am Mommy to 7 (wow ) 7 Bunnies 6 areLionheads and one is a lop

They all have there own wonderful personality and I love them all to pieces!!!!

We sure do like to see pictures of bunnies here so I will be waiting patienly for pictures of your crew :brownbunny

Sorry I have taken so long to log back on! We've been decorating my sons room....

So bunny pictures! Work on that one as the PC and are not the best of friends!

Lucy is such a sweetheart but she has very green eyes at theminute! The babes are making her really cross. Iinitially bought a double hutch and moved Lucy and the new buns intogether (seperate living/sleeping) She hated it! After aweek of feet stamping and looking miserable (plus a little nip on myarm at being put back in after her day out) I moved her back to her oldhome! So we now have two rabbit hutches, and of course thereis now room for more bunnies :bunnydance:

This morning its lovely and sunny here, its Lucys turn to be out firsttoday and shes streatched out inthe full sun looking chilled!There is always shelter for her, she never takes it! Sun orrain she'll be out!

So to the pictures! Looks like re-sizing is my problem? Have to wait for hubby to get home!

sarah x
Ohh and Rodger and Rosie are now Charlie and Lola!

Rodger just wasn't a Rodger...not cheeky enough, hes a bit shy andRosie was far too bossy! So we now laugh that Lola is a realshow girl!

sarah x

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