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Feb 26, 2007
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Hello All,

Just wanted to take a moment andintroduce ourselves. My name is Ryan, and my wifeis Angel. We purchased our rabbit Baily onSaturday. Bailey is our first rabbit. He is a greymini lop. So far he has been the perfect littlerabbit. We introduced him to our dogs and he shows no fear,jumps all over them infact. Were watching the dogs closleyand they have been great, very gentle with Baily our biggest concern ishim being steped on by one of the dogs( the cocker spaniel is prettyclumsey), but they seem to understand they need to becarefull. One question we have at this point is feeding himfruits and veggies. One of the books we purchaced says not tofeed him any until he is 6 months old, and the other said up to 10% ofhis total daily food intake could be fruits and veggie. Alsoif there is anything else that we should be aware of feel free tocomment. Thanks in advance.

Hi there and welcome!

How old is your bunny? I would stick with unlimited pellets and timothyhay for now. I'd have to check on the age to startintroducing fruits, but I would hold off for a bit and then introducethem little by little. I only use fruits very sparingly as treats.

Welcome to RO. I cant wait to see pics of your little guy!

PS. Heres a great link:Feedingyour Rabbit Q&A

Welcome! I have two bunnies and twoGolden Retrievers. The dogs are afraid of the bunnies, thoughShadow has developed an addiction to bunny poos...

I would hold off on the veggies until he's a bit older.
[align=left]Thanks for the responses.The clerk at the pet store thought she was right about 10 weeksold. I am still amazed at how fearless she is, the dogs mustseem huge to her but she climbs all over them, and after the first daythe dogs almost don't pay any attention to her. She isbatting almost 100% for #1 in the litter box already, #2 still needssome work, but still really impressive for her age and little effort onour part. I tried to attach a pic the first time, but I thinkit was to big, I'll try again.

Hey there, welcome to RO!!:welcome1

Baily is just adorable, and I love that name!!:bunnyheart

When you introduce the veggies do it slowly. Some people don't feedveggies at all, some give a little, and some give a lot. It seems to methat people in the US feed mainly pellet/hay diets, but over here inthe UK it's more common to feed a more balanced amount of pellets andveggies, with unlimited hay. Really it is just your personalpreference:)

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the forum and I look forward to more pics of Baily!!:woohoo

Michaela:), Ebony:bunny5 and Pebble:anotherbun
That is a sweet little baby. He doesn't look ten weeks old.

Don't introduce fruits, veggies or other treats until six months of age.

He just needs plain alfalfa or timothy pellets and hay for now.
HI!! Welcome to Rabbits Only!!

Here are a few sites that'll help you out as far as feeding your bunnyveggies and such. All three of my girls got veggies at a veryyoung age, so I have a hard time saying you shouldn't. To myunderstanding, if the mother bun was given veggies while they werenursing, they should be fine...but take it very gradually.

Here are a couple sites:

Here is the section on Vegetables here in the Rabbit 101 section:

The Carrot Cafe has loads of GREAT information about diet in general:

And the Vegetable section has tons of otherarticles that contain both information about how to introduceveggies. Just do it one veggie at a time, and do that veggiea little at a time, and if a week goes by when gradually introducingit, and the bun doesn't get diarrhea, you're in the clear to slowlyintroduce a second veggie...and the trend continues. If youencounter any veggies that cause diarrhea, just take it out of thebun's diet, and cross it off the list. Be sure to stick tothe different veggies on the safe veggie list(s), and be sure to payattention to whether the veggie is recommended to only be given once aweek, or some such, and you'll do just fine! :)

Anyway, hope all that helps!

Hugs and welcome!


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