:mrsthumper: Hi, wow, um...Well, I have one Rabbit. His name is Rembrandt. He is Five years old. I've had him scince he was 3 weeks old. My brother took one look at him and said he would die with in the month. He was sooo small at the time. Rembrandt is a black otter. I have no papers on him, I bought him from a local farmer not a breeder. but according to the research Ive done he is eaither a Polish or a Britania Petite. Some will till me how different these two are but I thought I read some where that depending on the country you are in they may be the same. or at leat they have the same blood line. Like all of you I love my baby. I find that rabbits make the perfect pet. Most people talk about how cudly their rabbit is. Rembrandt is not. He likes to be petted on his terms. And usually only after ignoring him for a while. He never likes to be held. And he even allows me to bathe him a few times a year, which reminds me he is due for a bath.
I am not a camera happy individual and so I have few pictures of him but I will try to find some somewhere and maybe some one here can help determine his breed, if he has one.
Well I could go one forever about the boy but I'll save something for a later discussion.
I am not a camera happy individual and so I have few pictures of him but I will try to find some somewhere and maybe some one here can help determine his breed, if he has one.
Well I could go one forever about the boy but I'll save something for a later discussion.