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New Member
Apr 10, 2009
Reaction score
, Illinois, USA

I'm new here and new to taking care of a rabbit. I've had Thither (or sometimes called Puppy, since that's what I thought he looked like when I first met him) since November of last year. I was told he was male but I don't really know for sure. I'm also not sure of his age, but I'm pretty sure he's full grown.

I don't want this to be too long but I should explain how I ended up with him. My friend's younger sister didn't ask her dad if she could have him and when it was found out she needed to find him a new home immediately. She got him from a friend in Chicago whose neighbors decided to let all their rabbits lose when they were leaving. The friend was able to catch him but I've no idea what happened to the others. I hope they were also caught and given new homes.

So mine was supposed to be a temporary home until she found a friend to take him. It didn't quite work out like that and I still have him. It has been kind of odd because I spend money on him for food (I also have a guinea pig so it isn't too bad as I get hay and veggies already for him) but not so much as I would if I were keeping him (I'd buy him a bigger cage if I were). It is all a bit more than I knew I was taking on when I got him (I thought I'd have him for maybe a month or two and that they'd pay for him) but I've grown to really like him.

Wow, this is long and I've still got more to say, sorry about that. Er, anyway, I'm here because he may end up back with my friend's sister when she moves to a bigger house or I might end up keeping him (which would mean getting a job, although I'm going to be 21 this month so I probably should anyway :(). In any case, I want to increase my knowledge. I had looked up basic information when I first got him, but I thought it was about time to find out even more.

Mainly I'm here because he's been losing some hair around the back of his neck (like a thin collar of bare skin) but I think some of it may be the shedding of winter fur, or maybe it's just normal? I thought maybe if I could find out just what kind he is that may help me figure out what's going on.

Ah, sorry about the length! I'll re size some pictures to add, if I can figure out how to. He's in my avatar for the moment, though.

- Frig
Welcome to the forum... Now you'll just have to completely cave in and call Thither your own, LOL!

His shedding is most likely moulting. Some of mine are going through it now.

Getting a job will be great, but make sure to read through the forum and ask lots of questions. There are many cost cutting, yet safe ways to enrich the lives of bunnies everywhere :)
These are pictures of him from around when I first got him and he was getting extra fluffy for winter. He's a bit hard to get good pictures of, most of them come out kind of blurred or else he ends up looking a bit odd and gremlin like (like in the last picture).




Ah he certainly looks like a lion-head (darling looking bunny there) - my male is especially shedding a lot right now - he has a very thick coat and everytime I go out to visit with him, and pick him up, I end-up with half his fur on me, poor guy - I or my daughter usually groom him daily when he's moulting - make sure he gets plenty of timothy hay -that'll keep his digestive track healthy and keep the hair-balls from getting clogged in his system - I've even heard people using petromalt (for cat hair-balls) never tried that - also heard mineral oil is good for cleaning out the sytem.
Welcome to the RO forums - they are simply the best!
Yes, he definitely looks like a lionhead to me!
We have several lionheads here on the forum, so you'll be in good company :D

Not sure how old he is, Tinysmom (Peg) knos lots more about lionheads, she should be able to give you a good estimate.

As to the shedding, just make sure to brush him well every day, and have him eat lots of hay and drink plenty of water.
I would NOT give petromalt or mineral oil, several knowledgeable members of RO disagree with their useage. Even lots of vets don't use them anymore. They may make things worse by compacting things in the gut even more, and keeping them from being hydrated.

Lots of hay and water is the main thing to keep "hairballs" from forming.

We have a good library section here on the forum, it has lots of good info on every aspect of keeping rabbits. http://www.rabbitsonline.net/view_category.php?id=5
Thanks for the information and the link. I've been giving him a lot of hay but he doesn't seem to eat very much of it. I end up finding most of it pushed out of the cage. I read that sometimes they just prefer other types of hay, so I might try a different kind. As to brushing him everyday, I'm afraid I haven't been doing that at all. I'll start brushing him today, though.

Thank you again!


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