[align=center]Hi everyone 
So my account I've been using is Bonnie Lee
as I usually start off on websites with names I like but aren't mine.
and my email address that I never use just incase the website
ends up being bizarre and unsafe.
But now that I'm really comfortable with everyone
and feel extremely safe to be me on here (I must sound like a whacko)
I'd like to introduce myself properly
(I did want to keep with Bonnie Lee but reset my name
Until I realized you can't really edit anything once you make a profile
and I tried to delete the bonnie lee account but I can't
even figure that one out either) =.="
Anywho! back to where I was going with this...
Hi everyone!
My name is Sonja but I absolutely cringe at my name and
would rather be called Nina, I dont know.
I'm almost 19 in May, which makes me miserable because I have
a fear of getting older...not on my behalf but more I have a
fear of not having my parents and brothers around forever...
My bunnies are Harvey, Winston and Moshi.
I have big dreams for them and their soon to be city once
my boyfriend and I finish building it, But that's another story.
I only finished high school last year and have deferred University
where I have been offered a place to study Languages and Intercultural Communications.
I work at a Cafe in Australia's Oldest German village, Hanhdorf.
I suppose that's me properly introduced.
I guess I'd like to say I really like everyone here and I adore
everybodies commitment and lovefor their bunnies.
and I absolutely LOVE all the photo's!
Sorry if me, making a new profile has inconvienanced or confused anyone.
I'm usually a horrid like that...[/align]
So my account I've been using is Bonnie Lee
as I usually start off on websites with names I like but aren't mine.
and my email address that I never use just incase the website
ends up being bizarre and unsafe.
But now that I'm really comfortable with everyone
and feel extremely safe to be me on here (I must sound like a whacko)
I'd like to introduce myself properly
(I did want to keep with Bonnie Lee but reset my name
Until I realized you can't really edit anything once you make a profile
and I tried to delete the bonnie lee account but I can't
even figure that one out either) =.="
Anywho! back to where I was going with this...
Hi everyone!
My name is Sonja but I absolutely cringe at my name and
would rather be called Nina, I dont know.
I'm almost 19 in May, which makes me miserable because I have
a fear of getting older...not on my behalf but more I have a
fear of not having my parents and brothers around forever...
My bunnies are Harvey, Winston and Moshi.
I have big dreams for them and their soon to be city once
my boyfriend and I finish building it, But that's another story.
I only finished high school last year and have deferred University
where I have been offered a place to study Languages and Intercultural Communications.
I work at a Cafe in Australia's Oldest German village, Hanhdorf.
I suppose that's me properly introduced.
I guess I'd like to say I really like everyone here and I adore
everybodies commitment and lovefor their bunnies.
and I absolutely LOVE all the photo's!
Sorry if me, making a new profile has inconvienanced or confused anyone.
I'm usually a horrid like that...[/align]