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May 31, 2006
Reaction score
Oakley, Kansas, USA
Hello ..

My names is Leann and we have 3 bunnies and they are first pets inabout 10 years. We have them in the house right now and they are themost pleasant animals. We don't know what sex they are so we pick namesthat are boy or girls. Smaller one is itie bit and sprankles and thebiggest on is blondie. We brought them from a farm store and theydidn't know what breed they are. So if you could help with that . Theydidn't even know how old they were. They are doing well. I have learnedalot from this forum. So thanks alot guys.
My names is Leann and we have 3 bunnies and theyare first pets in about 10 years. We have them in the house right nowand they are the most pleasant animals. We don't know what sex they areso we pick names that are boy or girls. Smaller one is itie bit andsprankles and the biggest on is blondie. We brought them from a farmstore and they didn't know what breed they are. So if you could helpwith that . They didn't even know how old they were. They are doingwell. I have learned alot from this forum. So thanks alotguys.:bunnydance:
Hi and welcome!

My goodness, they are ADORABLE!

I would suggest having a vet sex them. Bunnies can reproduceata very young age and that would not be good.

In addition, males will almost always fight, so you really need to know their sexes.

Keep the pics coming!

Best of luck!


Welcome, Leann! :welcome1

Your bunnies are really cute:colors::colors::colors:
Welcome to the website!! I love your babies...If they are males and have grown up together they most likely will befine together even if you get them neutered or not.

I hope you figure it out soon. Welcome to the forum and I am glad you joined us here.

Joscelyn, Leo, and Tater:colors:
The first 2 look like polish to be but theorange doesn't match so if they were litter mates its impossible theyare polish. They are adorable anyways!

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