Hello! Meet Mouse and Chalk

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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, , United Kingdom
Hi everyone,

I've posted a bit onhere already- hadn't seen this section to introduce myself! My and my boyfriend have had 2 15 week old crossbreeds for the past 7 weeks now, called Mouse and Chalk. Here is a pic so you can see how cute they are!! :D



We originally had them in a hutch in our front room, but after reading some of the threads on here and other websites, I decided I had to make my own cage for them. So we got hold of some 'NIC' grids and put one together.. it's still in need of a few finishing touches but I'll post some pics once it's conplete!

And by the way, I've already said it, but this site is GREAT! :party0002:
Ah! Welcome! I'm a little new myself :p
Aww they are so cute! I love them :biggrin2:
I want to make a NIC cage myself, but I don't if I will or not. I still need to post pictures of my rabbit, Domino's cage right now :D
Thanks!! That pic was taken a few days after we first got them, they're a little bigger but still just as cute now!

Definately, DEFINATELY make a cage if you can... Mouse and Chalk love theirs, they're out to play most of the day but I don't feel nearly as bad if we have to leave them in there for a while cos there's loads of room for them to run around! Plus they're really easy aswell... :biggrin2:
they're so adorable!! chalk's colouring is really special (i'm guessing chalk is the white bunny :))

we don't have NIC panels in Malaysia...at least, none that i've seen so far, otherwise i think i'd go mad and build them a mansion lol!! mine are kept free range in the living room.. i love watching them racearound the room when they get hyper!


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