New Member
I came across this group from reading one of my rabbits sites. I am always looking to find places that post about any rabbit problems and ways to treat them. At first Ihesitated in joining because I was not sure If a rabbitry that does breeding would be welcomed. It seems that some sites only want certain things and people in their groups.My rabbitry is Spot Buck Rabbitry located in Eastern Maine. My name is Cookie and I am retired from the banking industry. I live with my 2 dogs, Zimby and Marco, 1 cat named Rainnie, 1 finch, 4 Tiels and 15 guinea pigs. I raise rabbits for Pets and I also show. I have Lionheads, Holland Lops and Neth Dwarfs. I have had other breeds of rabbits in the past but these are the only breedsI have at this time. I enjoy seeing the reactions of people getting their first bunny pet and I also enjoying carrying away a blue ribbon or Best of Breed award. Both are the results of my being a breeder. I have had some very special rabbits in the past. One was my Harliquin doe, Jamie, who passed away last year. Hope to post her picture at some time.
I came across this group from reading one of my rabbits sites. I am always looking to find places that post about any rabbit problems and ways to treat them. At first Ihesitated in joining because I was not sure If a rabbitry that does breeding would be welcomed. It seems that some sites only want certain things and people in their groups.My rabbitry is Spot Buck Rabbitry located in Eastern Maine. My name is Cookie and I am retired from the banking industry. I live with my 2 dogs, Zimby and Marco, 1 cat named Rainnie, 1 finch, 4 Tiels and 15 guinea pigs. I raise rabbits for Pets and I also show. I have Lionheads, Holland Lops and Neth Dwarfs. I have had other breeds of rabbits in the past but these are the only breedsI have at this time. I enjoy seeing the reactions of people getting their first bunny pet and I also enjoying carrying away a blue ribbon or Best of Breed award. Both are the results of my being a breeder. I have had some very special rabbits in the past. One was my Harliquin doe, Jamie, who passed away last year. Hope to post her picture at some time.