Hello - I'm new to rabbits

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
, Missouri, USA
Hi everyone!

I'm fairly new to the rabbit world. When I was a child we had a pet rabbit, but I was probably 6 or 7 years old at the time.

I'm 31 now, and recently was "gifted" with 3 rabbits by a well meaning neighbor. I don't know what breed/s they are. Cricket and Onion are the same type, very large babies.

Bumble Bee is very tiny, but a few weeks younger than C & O.

I've had them almost a week and am still working on the cage issue but they are pretty calming, nice and Onion is full of spirit and joy, which is very uplifting for me.

(L-R: Bumble Bee, Onion, Cricket)


Welcome to RO!!!! I just love Bumble Bee!!! Onion and Cricket are really cute thought to!!

You could try an NIC cage I don't know much about them but there suppose to be wonderful!!

Mabey post that picture up on the breeds section of the fourm, they might know what breeds your bunnies are.

Hope you enoy the fourm,

TK Bunnies wrote:
You could try an NIC cage I don't know much about them but there suppose to be wonderful!!
Yeah, are you having cage challenges or are you just without one? Maybe someone here could help you find a good solution. I just bought some NIC grids to build a play pen for my bunnies. There's a great thread called NIC Cages Only...you might want to check that out.
Mabey post that picture up on the breeds section of the fourm, they might know what breeds your bunnies are.
Good idea, TK!
welcome...Your bunnies are pretty... especially the tri colored one... I love my nic cages.... you can arrange them in different ways...as fot the breeds i don't know much ... I am sure someone on this forum can help... enjoy your bunnies...

Welcome to the forum!:wave:

Aww such cute rabbits, I adore REWs.. :bunnyheart

Are they indoors or outdoors? I'd advise NICs too if you can get them, if not large Dog crates can work very well, or even just a play pen / puppy pen can make a good home for bunnies, all for inside. There are many options for outside, I won't go into them now though PM if you'd like any more info on that. :)

Do you know the genders? If they are not all the same they will need to be spayed/neutered ASAP, bunnies breed quickly. If they are all the same it's still advisable to have them fixed anyway.

Enjoy the forum,

~Michaela, Ebony, Pebble, Madison & Angel Bunny Berri~

Thank you all for the welcome!

We have a vet visit made for Monday, and I'll be able to answer more questions about them.

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