Hello From So IL

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Jerry in So IL

Active Member
Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
Johnston City, Illinois, USA

I'm Jerry and my daughter and I are starting to raise show rabbits adn for 4H. I've been playing with the idea for four years or more, and finally took the leap.

We have a 14 week old Fleish Giant doe (fawn) and planned on getting a couple of more in a month, but might go forCheckered Giants or antoher breed. We love the Flemishes, in fact the doe is our house pet and dearly loved. But established local breeders are less than friendly or helpful. So the less we deal with them, the better.

Hello and welcome to the forum, Jerry! I know how it feels to deal with breeders like that. Pains in the butts. :rollseyes
I'm Erin, and I raise Mini Lops and Himalayans in Arizona.
Welcome to the forum. I am glad your here, flemish giants are my favorite breed also. My daughter will be showing 2 of our bucks in our 4H fair next week. You might want to try breeders at a rabbit shows. I have found the ones I have encountered to be friendly and helpful. For a rabbit show near you go to the American Rabbit Breeders Association website http://www.arba.net and there is a link to shows in all states.

This is a very friendly site and very helpful too. I look forward to seeing some pictures of your bun and hearing about your life as a bunny slave.


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