Hello from Phoebe, PePe and Fluffy

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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2007
Reaction score
Nelson, , New Zealand
Hi there everyone my names Phoebe im very nearly 15 and I have two gorgeous rabbits PePe whos 1 on january 31stshes acheeky llittle seal point lop shes very bossy but very affectionate and loves just lying in the sun with you. Theres also Fluffy whos 5 on March 21st hes a mix of rex, satin and dwarfapparently not sure bout the dwarf tho. I used to have a lovely grey and white mini lop called rosy but she sadly passed away on Anzac day from uterine cancer :-(
Yea shes going to get spayed just after christmas mum hasnt got much money now coz it present time but I was told you should wait until theyre at least a yr old?, Fluff has already been spayed bout a year ago. Thanks for the welcome everybody
Welcome to RO. Your buns do sound quite adorable. Hopefully, you'll be able to post pics soon? :biggrin2:

I believe that for females, the neutering can be done starting at around 4 months but a lot of vets from what I have heard are more comfortable around the 6 month mark and for the males it is when the testicles decend. Of course, I am sure more knowlegable people will be coming around to give you better info. I am just learning myself.

Hope you have fun and look forward to seeing you around.

Hi ive loaded some on photobucket but when I put them on here a little box with a X inside comes up? im going to phone the vet and ask how old a female has to be to be neutered coz i dont want her going like Rosy and not get to say goodbye:(
Hi there!

To post photos from photobucket, you will want to copy and paste the IMG line here. Feel free to PM me if youre still having trouble.

Oh, and about your username..for some reason the software doesnt allow characters like the & sign. Would you like me to change it to "PepandFluff" or "PepnFluff" orsomething else to get rid of the "amp" thing? Id be happy to :)
Hi there, welcome to RO! There are a couple of us NZ'ers out there and we are very pleased to meet you!!:biggrin2::biggrin2:

I am Lisa and I have one mini lop Jazz, and two foster buns, Carlita and Mallow :)

Nelson is so beautiful and it sounds like you are doing hte very best you can as an awesome bun mum for your two little darlings.
Here on RO, there is so much info, its really helped me with my guys and its super friendly too. Feel completely free to ask anythign you like, PM too if you want and hope to see lots of you.
Hi thanks for the welcome. nelson is quite beautiful but very limited in rabbit supplies ARGH! lol, RO is great ive found out heaps of info on here its great!!! BK on your avatar looks really gorgeous.

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