Hello from Patsy (& her new owner) in Toronto,Canada.

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New Member
Apr 4, 2007
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Etobicoke,Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Hi Everyone! Iam pleased to of finally found a place where I can find'realistic'research in helping me with my doe. If anyone thinks of itas an 'easy'job ( Yes, I do agree the it's easier to maintain thembut,) I can tell them that they have another thing coming! I'm apsychology graduate and there is one thing I have concluded and thatis, understanding the 'why's' of a rabbit's behaviour is extremelyfrustrating and ALOT of patience. I have gone to the libraries tryingto research anything I can find on the Psychology behaviour of Rabbits- just so I can figure out what I am doing wrong and right. I am notgiving up but it is challenging each passing day.

I went to my local SPCA centre,(aftermonths of seriousconsideration and planning) to adopt aseniordog. Not sure why but 2 hours later I left the SPCAwith a rabbit andall of it's new housing and accessories. Ishook my head, questioning myself on the ridehome of'whatam I doing? I know nothing about rabbits, what sort ofcompanion or fun- do you get from a rabbit?'Opening thecardboard carrier-box and watching her frightened head pop up toinvestigate her new home, I saw how timid she was and knew that my jobwas to care for her until the very end. I named her Patsy,1.5yrs old,doe ( fixed).

She hasn't changed her'wild,destructive' behaviour since. This is whereIbegin.....

Hi Springbok! Welcome to the forum! My hubby has a Psych degree too.:)

So you're looking for behavior info? I recommend starting with this site, it's fantastic.

There's tons more info in the Library. Here's some of the threads:

Communication and Language
Shy Bunnies

And definately check out this one, for her safety and to save your stuff!
Bunny Proofing Your House

And if that isn't enough reading for you (heh), there are two books Irecommend checking out. Why Does My Rabbit...? by AnneMcBride talks about behavioral issues in pet rabbits- what causes themand how to deal with them. The Private Life of theRabbit, by R. M. Lockley is about Lockley's studies on the behaviorof wild European rabbits, which our domestic pets are descended from.

Plus you're more than welcome to ask more specific questions.The general Rabbits Only forum is the best place for that.

Enjoy your reading!;)
:welcome1to the forum!

Angela give you some wonderful links, should be very helpful to you!:biggrin:

Aww I love Patsy, she's so cute.

Hope you enjoy the forum, you will learn so much here! I look forward to finding out more about Patsy and yourself.

Michaela:), Ebony:bunny5, Pebble:anotherbun and Maddie:bunny16
Hi! Welcome to Rabbits Only!

You've certainly picked the perfect place to research and ask questionsabout rabbits! :D We're happy you found us!


Rosie & the Herd :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
Thanks! I want to print all this handyinfo- as soon as I can. One thing I try to do during the evenings whenI let Patsy have her 'play-time' with all her boxes and toys in theliving room is, sit on the floor and read out loud. So this would besomething for both or our interests!Thanks for theinput.:Canada::thanks:

That's a great idea! I used to do thatwith my first bunny too. I'd lay down on the floor with abook about rabbit care and read, while she climbed all overme. It was lots of fun for both of us.

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