Hello from Michigan!

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Apr 3, 2007
Reaction score
, Michigan, USA
Hello, my name is Jeannine and I'm new to thissite. I haven't even had a chance to read anything yet.LOL I found your site while doing a search for information onGI Stasis but didn't have the time to read anything. I justregistered and then moved on, intending to read threads at a latertime. (I had company from out of town here from April 4-8 sothis was my first opportunity to come back.) :)

Anyway.... I have a bunny named Mylo (hence the name, "mylosmom" hehe)who will be 3 years old this month. My husband bought himfrom a pet store near our house and surprised our daughter with it whenMylo was only 6 weeks old. She's 22 years oldandher life is so busy with school and work, she didn'treally have the time to care for Mylo so I adopted him fromher.

This little guy has completely stolen my heart. Anyone whoknows me at all knows how much I love this little bundle offur. He's very affectionate, very active when he's feelingwell, and eats a LOT for such a little bunny!

He was diagnosed with GI Stasis about a week to 10 days ago and Inearly lost him. I was beside myself with worry and drove myfamily nuts with all my talk about his droppings (or lack thereof) andfeeding habits, but I couldn't help it!! He's my baby!! I wasso worried about him it's unreal.

Thankfully, I can say that he's now doing well (still on some meds butI'm supposed to talk with the vet today to find out if he can stop themnow) and is bright-eyed and active, eating great again and droppingsare plentiful. :D (I'm sure this is one place I cantalk about his droppings all I want and nobody will get upset with mecuz you've all "been there, done that" I'm sure. LOL)

I'm not sure how often I'll be able to come on and post, but I do plan to come here often to read and learn more.

One thing I am finding that makes it a bit frustrating is the lack ofconsistency in the information on rabbits! Why is it so hardto find reliable information, ya know?? In my research duringhis illness, if I went to five different sites, I'd get five differentanswers. It was so frustrating!! It's not like Ihad 3 weeks to mull over it all and determine which information isaccurate. I mean, for all I knew, I only had a matter ofhours!! That's such a scary place to be!! I wasfrantically trying to find the answers I needed and thankfully I musthave made the right decisions because he's doing well now... but forhow long?? Yikes, that's a scary thot.

I hope I'll be able to find the information I need to keep him healthyand happy cuz that's what I want for him more than anything.There's nothing as cute as a little bunny who is happy and healthy,hopping around my house and springing up in the air in the middle ofthe room, then twisting a quick jerk and then running like his tail'son fire across the room. LOL It's so adorable!!! Hemakes me laugh every time I see it. LOL

I'm so glad to have found a forum where I can know that there are others who share my love for bunnies. :)
Hello there, welcome to the forumJeannine!!:welcome1

Do you have pictures of Mylo for us to see? I'm delighted that he's onthe mend. They are such a worry to us sometimes, we all known that hereand can sympathise with you.:hug2:

And talk all you want about bunny poop, it's a hot topic over here! hehe We even have poop smilies!!:litterhealthy:

Hope you like it here!

Michaela:), Ebony:bunny5, Pebble:anotherbun and Maddie:bunny16
Hi there and welcome to you and Mylo!

Where in Michigan are you located? Im from the Grand Blanc/Fenton area :)Its good to see another Michigander ;)

Do you have a good rabbit savvy vet now? Depending on where yourelocated, I know a lot of really great ones. That takes a lot of stressout of having a sick bunny. I work with a rabbit rescue in Plymouth, MIand have met a lot of great vets through them.

Im glad to hear your little guy is doing well now. Do you have any pics?


Welcome to our family! It is great to hear thatMylo is doing well, hopefully he will never have to go through thatagain. Please, talk about his poo all you like! We like poo!:litterempty::litterfew::litterhealthy:
Hi!! Welcome to Rabbits Only!

Wow...you have no idea. We're BIG fans of poop aroundhere! We've even taken pictures comparing our different-sizedbunnies and their different-sized poop. Hehe!!


Hehe...we're a big bunch of goofballs.

We're really happy you found us, though...now you have an excellentsite to check out information on all sorts of bunnytopics. :) Not to mention, if you need help, youcan post something in the Infirmary section (if it's a health issue),and you'll get lots of help from others that have been there with theirbunnies. :)

Look forward to hearing all about your bunnies!


Rosie & the Herd :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:

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