New Member
Hi everyone *waves*
I'm Emma, from Melbourne, Australia.
My bunny family is pretty new but my I'm in love!!
My partner and I started with our black mini lop, Miss Flops-a-lot, and a week later we added the REW twins, Rabioli and Tortellini, who are only about a week younger than Miss Flops-a-lot, and made it super easy bonding them.
They also have their little friend Cupcake living with them, who is my 8 month old piggy.
She's been living with a rabbit and 2 other piggies (all my younger sister's) since she was about 3 months old so she's used to being the smallest, and getting out of their way (I know not all people agree with them sharing).
Our buns live outside in a decent sized hutch, with a run, but we also bring them inside for cuddles and floor time, and occasionally dinner.
I'm Emma, from Melbourne, Australia.
My bunny family is pretty new but my I'm in love!!
My partner and I started with our black mini lop, Miss Flops-a-lot, and a week later we added the REW twins, Rabioli and Tortellini, who are only about a week younger than Miss Flops-a-lot, and made it super easy bonding them.
They also have their little friend Cupcake living with them, who is my 8 month old piggy.
She's been living with a rabbit and 2 other piggies (all my younger sister's) since she was about 3 months old so she's used to being the smallest, and getting out of their way (I know not all people agree with them sharing).
Our buns live outside in a decent sized hutch, with a run, but we also bring them inside for cuddles and floor time, and occasionally dinner.