New Member
Hi my name is Shari and I'm new to the forums...I've been lurking around for two days now and I think this is the nicest rabbit forum I've found! Anyway...I'm not new to buns..I had a few ND's and Holland lops when I was younger. My fiancee and I had been discussing getting some bunnies for a little while 7 year old son has really been wanting one lol, and we are animals lovers already owning Mocha, our pomeranian, two cats, George and Twinkie, and some fish. Anyway, we went to a carnival two weeks ago and I saw a little stand with a cage full of bunnies... I was instantly drawn to it to see what was going on. So we head over and they had a game there...if you get the golden egg you win a bunny. I know this isn't the best way to acquire a bunny and honestly after seeing a few people try and not win, I didn't think we would win either..but my fiancee pulled a gold egg on the first try lol. So we are now owners of what we were told is a flemish giant baby..7 weeks when we got him. To be fair they did have a full grown flemish there (their pet not part of the game) and a few more of their pet bunnies. I'm not sure if he's a pure flemish or not...I have no experience with these guys at all! We named him Cadbury (since he came from an egg lol). Anyway from what I can see he definitely looks like a sandy colored flemish. I'm trying to get pictures of him up so everyone can see him but I can't seem to resize my pics so they will fit on here.. I will say he's getting big fast! Even though we had no plans to get a flemish..we love him SO much! He's so adorable and funny! He will run around and binky and then he will flop down beside us and lick us lol. He is certainly part of the family...btw I haven't checked to see if Cadbury is a boy or girl yet, I've been giving him time to settle and be comfortable before doing that =) I'm still planning on getting some hollands at some point..but right now we just have our Cadbury bunny =) Sorry for rambling lol...I will post some pics as soon as I can figure it out!