Hello from Maine!

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New Member
May 6, 2007
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Bangor, Maine, USA
[sub]Hello everyone! im Carissa im 18 years old and I live in maine.

I love Tornado's and would like to be a Tornado chaser some day. I also love Caring/rescuing aniamals

I have the following aniamls.

7 Cats-Franky-lou(rescue), Damian, Diamond, Sammae(rescue), Sarrah(rescue), Skyler-jade(rescue) and Patchleigh(rescue)

6 Hermit crabs, live in a 55 gallon tank.

3 dogs, Thunder*wolf hybrid* lilliana*pitbull(rescue), and Tigger *pomerianan*

3 Fish tanks *55 gallon, 30 galloln and a 10 gal.

2 ferrets, Collen(reacue), Haku, live in a ferret Nation.

2 Leopard gecko's- Monkey-55 gallon, Leroy 40 gallon*rescue*

1 turtle, Tornado (rescue) lives in a 75 gallon

1 Bird, London (rescue)

1 soon to be rabbit, she is comming this weekend her name is going to be Princess Launa, and she is a rescue.

I had rabbits in the past, most resently one last year, but he passed away.

So untill Princess Launa comes, I have no bunny.
Hey there!! WOW, that's a good list of pets youhave going there. I onyl have 2 bunnies and they keep mebusy, no idea how you do it. :D

Very cool that you are rescuing a bun - so many out there need help, it's great when new rabbit owners rescue!

anyway - welcome, and make sure to post some pictures of your critters and your new bun when you get her!!

Hi there, welcome to Rabbits Only!:wave:

Wow, you have a zoo!:shock: hehe

Congratulations on Princess Launa, (such a sweet name), do you know what kind of rabbit she is?

Have fun and feel free to ask any questions you have,

~Michaela and the girls~ :bunny16:bunny16:bunny16
Hi there,

Welcome to the forum.

That is certainly a zoo you have there :D It would be great to see somepics :) especially of your Princess Launa when she arrives.

Hopefully you will find the forum friendly :)

Take care


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