Hello from Ireland!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
Belfast, , United Kingdom
Hello everyone!

I'm from Ireland and have one house rabbit at the moment called Moon - he is a grey dutch and very sweet.
I help out at an animal shelter and have fallen in love with anetherland dutch male called Digger who I hope to adopt, and ifpossible, bond with Moon who seems to be quite an easy going male. Bothare neutered.

I'll post pictures soon, and think this site is really great, so looking forward to spending some time here reading up.

Hey! Welcome! Yes we love pictures.
Hiya!! Welcome to Rabbits Only!!:wave:

Another Irish member!:colors: Cool (there aren't too many of us here) Where abouts are you from, north or south?

Moon is adorable, I love that name too!:bunnyheart Hope it all goes well with digger, I'm a big Netherland dwarf fan.

Enjoy the forum,

Michaela:), Ebony:bunny5 and Pebble:anotherbun
Welcome to the forum Cosy! :welcome1

So nice to hear you plan to adopt a newbunny in need of a new home.Hope the two can get along.
Nice picture of Moon.

Rainbows! :)
Thank you for the welcome everyone! :)
I'm in N. Ireland Michaela - Belfast to be exact. Whereabouts are you?I am really pleased to find someone from here that is into rabbits.
I filled in an adoption form for Digger the netherland dwarf earliertoday, and hope they let me take him home next week, at which point I'mchanging his name to something cuter! He loves being held whilst Moondoesn't, so it would be nice to have a cuddle rabbit around the place.He has had his teeth removed I think - I'm not sure exactly what thatmeans , if they grow back or what but will find out more details soon.Whoever had him before didn't look after him properly and when theanimal sanctuary got him his teeth were sticking out the front of hismouth like wires. poor love.
Has anyone experience of bonding two males (both neutered) and adviceto offer if I do end up with him? Moon has the run of the house when weare home, so finding somewhere neutral to introduce them is likely tobe quite difficult.

thanks again for the welcome and I'll get better pictures soon. :D
Hi and welcome!

Moon is adorable! Im partial to dutches (I have one chocolate brown and one tort). They are the best!

Good luck with your adoption. Do you have an extra cage and such incase they dont bond? I bonded two boys and it was very difficult. Letme know if you need any help.

Cant wait to see more pics!
I'm from the north too, Mid-Ulster. A tiny little village I'm sure you don't know it!=P

Where is the shelter that has rabbits? I have been looking all over thenet and can't find anywhere! That would be so helpful if you could tellme:)Thanks

Congratulations on Digger:DTell us more when you know more!

Hi Cosywelcome..You know its reallyfunny that last night after getting a pm from Polly in Scotland I wasthink ing that I didn't know any RO members from Ireland. (SorryMichaela I didn't know you were from Ireland. ) Then I come on theforum tonight and see a "Hi" from someone from Ireland ..I'm half Irish

Moon! is very cute !
Hi Haley and thanks for such a fantastic forum!Dutches are real characters for sure and Moon certainly gives me a lotof laughs! I have an extra cage for him to go in just to be on the safeside, and thanks for the offer of help and advice - I'm scared with thesize difference so would appreciate hearing how you went about theintroduction.

Micheala - the sanctuary is called assisi and its between bangor andnewtownards. I have just joined them as a volunteer as they don't haveanyone who has a real knowledge of rabbits there. They do a fantasticjob but are more for cats and dogs. They have some gorgeous rabbitsthere at the moment if you are looking and they spay / neuter thembefore rehoming. They have a website here:http://www.assisi.dnet.co.uk/

Hi Maureen and thanks for the welcome. :wave::dutch
Hi Cosy
I am also a volunteer at a shelter in the states that doesn't know verymuch about rabbits. I work with the rabbits and other small animals.
I looked at the Assisi website and it looks like a very good shelter..particularly the no-kill part.
Hi again!

They are really great bunch of people up there and I've been reallyimpressed with what I've seen so far. I applaud anyone who helps at theshelters making those poor rabbits lifes a little better, but its sohard not to take them all home! ;-) I don't think I could help at aplace that killed any animal without coming home crying my eyes outeveryday.

angieluv wrote:
Hi Cosy
I am also a volunteer at a shelter in the states that doesn't know verymuch about rabbits. I work with the rabbits and other small animals.
I looked at the Assisi website and it looks like a very good shelter..particularly the no-kill part.

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