Hello from france

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Oct 21, 2006
Reaction score
, , France

I'm "Chamois" and I live in France, so excuse for my badenglish:yuck (I hop I will make progress while writing here).I'm rabbit-addict since 11 years:brownbunny .

I have 2 rabbits : Douchka a 4,5 years old female (head of lion) and Cheyenne a 1 one year old male (chamois german lop).

They both live in "freedom" in the apartment but in separate parts because they are not appreciate themself.

See you soon :heartbeat:

PS : I'm here to meet new friends from other countries and who loverabbits :bunny19and to write a little in english. I know a lot aboutrabbits, it's a real passion:hearts.
:wave:Hello and welcome!

I cannot wait to hear more about your bunnies and to see pictures of them hehehe we all love pictures here

again welcome

Welcome Chamois!:hello

I would love to go to France some day! Your rabbits have really beautiful names, I cannot wait to see pictures of them.:hearts

I hope you like it here on the forum!


Thank you very much:grouphug

I am not sur I posted my message in the good category:imstupid, but I continue here if there is no problem.

Here are photos of my rabbits :

Noah dead 12 months ago( he was a german lop). 4,5 kilos


Douchka "head-lion" : she's 4,5 years old and she was Noah's girlfriend


Cheyenne : he's 1 year old and "chamois" german lop too


And now the little story : I built Douchka and Noah together, they wasboth in love (and was sterilized). Noah alias Nono a very veryaffectionate rabbit, he love's Doudchka and he love me but he was avery exclusive rabbit and he didn't want that Douchka came by me, soDouchka didn't do it.

When he died I had Douchka but it was really difficult because shedidn't like to be cherished, touched........... and I neededto have an affectionnate rabbit. I didn't want to oblige her,I wantedto respect her personality and to leave her time to know me (even ifshe were with me since 3 years and half).

So I decided to buy an onother rabbit, like Noah because he gave mepassion for german lop (and thüringer/chamois in frenchforthe color).

When the baby arrived I organized meetings between Douchka andCheyenne, the first occurred by the veterinarian. Cheyenne wassubjected but Douchka attacked it with the head and bit it . At home itwas the same probleme. One day Cheyenne was introduced into the partwhere Douchka lives, time that I arrive it had bitten it and theveterinarian hat bented her.

So now each rabbit have its own space. Cheyenne like Noah is a veryaffectionnate rabbit ant now Douchka is closer to me and sleep in mybed all nights.

I have a lot of beautiful anf funny picture of them if you like:goodjob

Votre anglais, c'est très bien!

Welcome to the forum, I can't wait to hear more about your rabbits! They're beautiful:D


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