Peebody, the boy, is anywhere from 2-4 years old. He was given to me by a friend and i dont know his age. Hehas the normal color of a holland lop white with tan splotches, he got his name because one of his favorite games is, you guessed it, spraying.Hester, the girl, I just got yesterday after a long search for a female holland lop in my area. I am not positive that she is 100% Holland lop, I think that she may have some mini in her. She is between 4 and 5 months old, and jet black in color. She is a good amount smaller than Peebody, but I'm hoping that she has a bit more growing to do.
I am planning on breeding them as soon as she is ready to for Peebody to woo her. I think that she is too young right now. When I put them together he is completelly and overly cooperative, but she just runs from him.
I am going to build a multiple rabbit hutch in my backyard for them and their offspring (I have already asked some questionsconcerning this in the cages section)
When the babies get older I am planning on selling them to a local pet store and to some people I know.