Hello every one my name is Thumper. I am a 3.5 year old male dwarf lop in tan and white. When my owner fist got me 3 years agoI had a few abcesses on my nose, back and under my front leg.
This was soon sorted after a trip to the vets (vets4pets).I had all the abcesses removed and was neutered at the same time.
About 6 months later my owner was given a pretty girl dwarf lop age unknown.She was given the name Dink. We soon became best friends.A year later I started having a few problems with my left eye. The vets said that the fluid that protected my eye was leaking into my eyeball, causing irratation. My owner had to decide weatherto have my eye removed now or further down the line. I went straight in to have the surgery, when the eye was removed the vet found that it wasworse than he first thought (better out than in).My wound healed and I got used to only having one eye and only bumped into things several times.
Just after new year 2009 Dink had to be rushed to the emergency vet a she had broken her back, we think by binkying and hitting the side of the hutch. I was very sad for a while and then the spurs on my back teeth needed filing, so I was feeling a bit under the weather.
My owner then came home with a girly bunny.....she is a year and a half old dwarf lop,in charcoal and white. She is called Flower.
Two weeks ago I had to have my front teeth removed due to an infection in the bone at the base of the teeth. I have gone back to the vets today to have the sockets flush as all the infection from the bones is now coming out of the sockets and my nose.
Hopefully when I'm 100% better myself and Flower can play together in the garden and she can move into my hutch.
This was soon sorted after a trip to the vets (vets4pets).I had all the abcesses removed and was neutered at the same time.
About 6 months later my owner was given a pretty girl dwarf lop age unknown.She was given the name Dink. We soon became best friends.A year later I started having a few problems with my left eye. The vets said that the fluid that protected my eye was leaking into my eyeball, causing irratation. My owner had to decide weatherto have my eye removed now or further down the line. I went straight in to have the surgery, when the eye was removed the vet found that it wasworse than he first thought (better out than in).My wound healed and I got used to only having one eye and only bumped into things several times.
Just after new year 2009 Dink had to be rushed to the emergency vet a she had broken her back, we think by binkying and hitting the side of the hutch. I was very sad for a while and then the spurs on my back teeth needed filing, so I was feeling a bit under the weather.
My owner then came home with a girly bunny.....she is a year and a half old dwarf lop,in charcoal and white. She is called Flower.
Two weeks ago I had to have my front teeth removed due to an infection in the bone at the base of the teeth. I have gone back to the vets today to have the sockets flush as all the infection from the bones is now coming out of the sockets and my nose.
Hopefully when I'm 100% better myself and Flower can play together in the garden and she can move into my hutch.