Hello from Brazil!!!

Rabbits Online Forum

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Apr 19, 2007
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Hi There! I have had so many animals during mylife, mostly dogs and cats, but also some exotics too, but this is thefirst time I have a bunny! I got her just yesterday and I am readingeverything I can here. I already found answers to a lot of questions soright now I don't have any. In fact, I just had a very nice bondingsession with her! I laid down on the floor and waited for her to checkme out like I read here. So cute!!! She sniffed me all over, nipped onmy classes... heeheee.

She is a black mini fuzzy lop baby... around 2 months old.

So nice to meet you all!!!

Nice to meet you.You are going to love this forum. Once you startchatting with all of us. Lop bunnies are so cute. They look like alittle puppy dog. I have abrown color and a white fuzzy lop.My male name is nutter and the female name is fluffer.They are going tobe a breeding pair. Flutter/nutter.They are named afterasandwich in the USA it is peanut butter and marshmallowcreme. Oh by the way I am a rabbit breeder.


I have a bunny named Brazil :cool:Pictured below...

I am mommy to 7 bunnies Lucky, Rainbow, Aurora, Sabe, Brazil, Barbados & Triton

I am sure you will just love it here as much as I do.

:welcome1to Rabbits Only!!

You have to show us some pictures! Your little bunny sounds to cute!

Yes, you will love it here, isn't there just so much greatinformation? :biggrin:

Have fun,

Michaela:), Ebony:bunny5, Pebble:anotherbun and Maddie:bunny16


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