My name is Cyndi and I am grand nonny to a handsome little mini-lop that my son has named Bun-Jovi. My son is 20, and he lives in a 35 foot RV on our 6 acre homestead. He surprised me one day with a little brown flopped ear bunny in a box that he bought from our local (small town) pet store. First I was a little upset. My son suffered a traumatic brain injury in a car accident 2 days before his 16th birthday, but his recovery has been awesome. He is however very impulsive. One look in that box though, and I was done. I melted like butter.
Since I knew that I would be the one to make sure that this bunny got all of the correct care that it needed, I immediately went online and found Rabbit's Online. I have been silently reading every post that applied and noting those of you who have excellent experience with buns. Jovi was too young to have left his mother. I was upset with the pet store for selling a baby that was barely weaned, and I let them know it. They tried to pass the bunnies off as 8 weeks when in fact they were only 5-6 weeks old. It was almost a month before we found out he was in fact a he! We managed though. Jovi is now a sweetly bonded and healthy 3.5 month old male mini-lop. We're getting to that point where he needs to be vetted. I'll post about that in the behavior threads.
We love him. He's the best little roomie my son could ever have.

Since I knew that I would be the one to make sure that this bunny got all of the correct care that it needed, I immediately went online and found Rabbit's Online. I have been silently reading every post that applied and noting those of you who have excellent experience with buns. Jovi was too young to have left his mother. I was upset with the pet store for selling a baby that was barely weaned, and I let them know it. They tried to pass the bunnies off as 8 weeks when in fact they were only 5-6 weeks old. It was almost a month before we found out he was in fact a he! We managed though. Jovi is now a sweetly bonded and healthy 3.5 month old male mini-lop. We're getting to that point where he needs to be vetted. I'll post about that in the behavior threads.
We love him. He's the best little roomie my son could ever have.