Hello From Alaska USA

Rabbits Online Forum

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New Member
Jul 26, 2012
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Kasilof, Alaska, USA
Just found this forum and thought I would say hello. I am the proud mommy of an adorable black and white Lop-Eared bunny named Orea. I also have 9 cats. Oreo is new to the household but already playing with the cat toys and running through their tunnel and hopping onto the cat tower. (Maybe he thinks he is a cat?). Orea is about 5 months old per the shelter where I adopted him. He was brought in by a couple who found that he was getting bigger than they wanted. I think he is adorable! All the cats are fine with him with the exception of one who seems to be a bit afraid of him. Oreo keeps running (hopping) up to him and the cat just keeps backing up like he is just not sure what it is yet. It is actually quite funny to see. I have not had rabbits before and am finding myself doing a ton of research to make sure that I am providing the best care possible. I have an appointment this next week with our vet for a checkup and to schedule neuturing.
I am looking forward to chatting with other bunny parents here.:D
So glad you're here!:bunnydance:
Rabbits are wonderful pets. I got my first rabbit seven years ago and she turned out to be the light of my life! They are extremely intelligent, loving and do very well in a house environment. So much fun learning about them and getting to know their language, as you're doing. Enjoy!
Welcome! We have another popular Alaskan resident on here....maybe she'll introduce herself ;)

Your bunny sounds adorable. We love pics here so post some if you want!

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