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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2014
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Hi I'm Salsa! I'm a mini lop broken chestnut. My hind legs hurt really bad though.... I try to move them but I can't. 🐰 My mum can't afford a vet right now to fix me... Does anybun know how I can make it feel better? I love my mum very much and don't want to leave her. Will I still be able to live even though hafe of me can't work? Bye everybun.

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Clover here, Momma always sayz that our legs are very important and if they get hurt we won't be able to walk or even eat those nummy Centropies poopies! She sayz walkin on it could make it worsey. Momma also puts us on our backies (I hate that!) to check our leggies and maybe ur momma shuld too, just to see why it mite hurt yous! I hope she can get you to the doctor soonies. Get better soon Salsa!
(I really do advise you check her leg for a break. It could be a sprain which means you should wrap it up tightly(not to tight) with sports tape or gauze to keep it still. If it is a break or is in alot of pain for a while, you may want to talk to some vets about making payment plans or visiting a local spca(they may be able to help you) I also advise for the future to start a vet savings account or jar with extra cash in case something like this happens again. Sometimes things happen and we need to be prepared. I hope she gets well soon! )
Thanks you Clover! My mum will try all she can.

( ok, Thant you for your help!)
Trix here-

You are a gorgeous bunny!!!! Tell your mummers to get you to the vet. Many will make arrangements for payments. I've had my Dumpy for eleven years.

Hope you're better soon.


Trixie the Bunny

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