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May 1, 2007
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I just wanted to introduce myself...My name is Karen and I live with my husband and our two bunnies in central NJ.

We have two rabbits: Oliver, a dutch,who is almost one and Madeline, a mini-lop,who is almost two.

I look forward to learning a lot and talking with you!!!!!:)
Hi Karen,

Welcome to the forum :)

It would be lovely to see some pics of your buns if you are able to dothat. I hope you find the forum friendly and feel comfortable here :)

Take care

No, I would love them to be though. Weare in the process of getting them fixed. Hopefully afterthat we can work on bonding them. The little guy, Oliver, isso friendly. When you walk in the room, he is so excited tosee you. He hops all around his cage. He also loveto give kisses!!! Madeline, doesn't like to be picked up andshe only wants to be pet when she wants pets. So we open hercage door and let her hop out on her own and run around. Sheoften will jump on the couch and sit between my husband and I when wewatch tv and really enjoys our company. It is so funny to seethe different personalities!!!!

If anyone has any advice for a rabbit who will not let you pick her upI would appreciate it!! I don't know if this ishowshe is or if this is a type of behavior that can bechanged.

Thanks so much for the warm welcomes!!!
Welcome to the forum!:wave:

Some (actually lots of) bunnies don't enjoy being picked up. The bestthing I can think of is just to lay on the floor and let her come toyou, when you are at her level it will feel more comfortable to her,and eventually she will perhaps enjoy it more.:)

Hope you are happy here!:bunnydance:

~Michaela and the girls~ :bunny16:bunny16:bunny16
