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May 18, 2005
Reaction score
Salisbury, , United Kingdom

Hi everyone,

New here, so thought I'd introduce myself and mt bunny masters...

I'm Avril, 27, married and living in Salisbury England, although I'moriginally from Scotland. I have a bigger than planned bunny family:Jules, Scooby, Billie-Bob (now changed to Billie-Blob...expect posts indespair over her weight problem- she has my vet and I tearing our hairout!), Frodo and baby Scout.

Like anyone here, I think my buns all deserve a post each, but here's the shortened biog:

Jules- gorgeous albino satin boy- nearly 2 and my little star. I foundhim sitting alone in a tiny hutch in the local pet store- at 6 monthshe was deemed too old to be with the youngerboybunnies...dread to think what would have happened had Inot gone to 'just look' that day. He has had 3 ops for a awful jawabcess last year, and is just getting over a respitory tract infection.He's my delicate little boy and as my first rabbit, is (should't admitthis) my favourite. He loves sitting in cardboard boxes, snuggling onthe sofa and giving his mum big kisses.

Scooby- a handsome, approx 3yr old sooty fawn mini lop- unwanted byprevious 2 (grrr!) owners, he came to me as a sort of emergency'foster'with his cage mate Shaggy (terribly matted angoragirl). Became clear they didn't get on. Well, Shaggy didn't get on withanyone! Found her a loving home where she could be the only pamperedbun, and Scooby quickly fell in love with Jules (yes, they're bothboys...vet can't work it out, but they are devoted to each other). Heloves snatching food out my hands, cuddling Jules and trying tointimidate Frodo.

Billie-Bob- another unwanted bun who was forgotten as a toddler grewup. She's a BIG girl- but a really beautiful seal point mini lop,approx 3 yrs old. She came to me with cat bites and scratches from her'playing' with the household cat. A very nervous girl, she has calmeddown and no longer has bald patches, after being spayed. She loves food(hence the diet) and her dad. She adores my husband- following himeverywhere and insisting on sitting with him on the sofa.

Frodo is a little grey lionhead with probably the saddest story. Don'tknow how old he is but I know I'm at least his 4th home. My neighbourtold me she knew of a rabbit about to be released into the wild. Shetook me there and I persuaded them to let me have him. He was living interrible conditions, having been completely ignored. Had him neuteredetc but he just can't mix with the other boys. He is sweet but theyjust attack him all the time- I've tried every piece of bonding adviceI've ever read- nothing works. He is a terribly nervous bunny and istaking his time to come around, so I decided no more stress for him.Got him his own big hutch on the second level of the shed (they alllive free range in a shed with a cat flap out to a turfed run) but hewas lonely...

Scout- that's where Scout the baby, and final addition came in. She isFrodo's new girlfriend/boss and he is thrilled with her. She came fromthe local shelter- unwanted litter- and is a very pretty little thing.She is a grey and white (butterfly markings) lop- she's nearly 6 monthsand so far 1 ear lops! She is sweet, cheeky and a beautiful ball offluff.

Phew! So, that's us. Hope some of you are still awake! Will try to loadup some pics of the terrible trio and the honeymooners, but in themeantime any advice on helping a fat, lazy rabbit to do some exercisewould be appreciated (her diet is now just veg and hay, and shecurrently will do 2 laps of the stairs before going on strike!).

Bye for now,

Avril, Jules, Scooby, Billie-Bob, Frodo and Scout
Welcome aboard,madbunnylady!

You remind me of GypsyandBuck Jones and hiswifethe way you rescue rabbits. Jump in whereveryou like. Glad you found us.


Hello Avril, Jules,Scooby, Billie-Bob, Frodo and Scout!! to the forum!

Sounds like you have quite a troop! Youwouldn't by any chance have a pictures of your sweet little bunnies? Onthis forum we LOVE pictures!!!! PICTURES YAY! :D

I have 1 Flemish


7 Holland Lops

1 Dutch

and a mixed bunny :)

Cant wait to get to know you and your bunnies better! :D

Welcome to the forum!

As for exercise... does Billie-Bob like to play-fight? I only have onebaby bun, but he loves play fighting. I lightly scratch the carpet withmy nails as I move my hand closer to him. He crouches down with hisbutt up and then either leaps a foot or two to the side of me or headbutts me. Then he binkies away and comes tearing back for more. Ofcourse, he's a 4.5 month old Netherland Dwarf so he has a lot moreenergy than an older, bigger bunny. He sometimes jumps on wadded uppieces of paper that are thrown near him and he likes to rip corrugatedcardboard into long, thin strips.

Or since she likes your husband so much, he could try getting her towalk around with him. He walks, she follows, he pets her when shestarts getting pissy about "her" man walking away. :p
Welcome Avril , !!! Sowonderfull to have another rescue personon the board , LikeCarolyn said theres a few of uswho does rescue on thisboard lol just becarefull right now i am sittingwith 17 or 18 adults ,and too many babies to even thinkof getting a count on . a newlitter being born yesterday thanksto a helping hand we think froma bait customer . but cantunfortunately prove but amwatching all Females carefully.

I always feel so badfor the poor rabbits ,I cant say No to any rabbitin trouble lol thats why I haveso many , and refuse to letsome go because ofhealth and attitude issues, so they all seem to have tostay here ( sappy much ) lol .Glad to have you aboard !!!!
Hello and welcome.

What a wonderful family you have. I can't wait to see picturesof them, they sound so sweet and pretty. I have a Flemish boy namedApollo and am getting to lop mix girls Christa and Hopi,fromGypsy in July.

I must say I admire people like you and Gypsy and the otherswho are always helping bunns in need. I look forward to getting to knowand your bunny family.

Thanks for the welcome everyone!

I joined in my lunch break at work, hence no pics, but I'll get some uphere ASAP - I have many, many photos to bore you all with :p

Will try some of the suggestions to get Billie-Blob moving. She isgetting a paddling pool for her adoptive birthday (she likes to take abath) so will let you know how the swimming fluffball gets on!
**" I have many, many photos to bore you all with :p"**

people get bored looking atRabbit pictures ?? never heardof such an illness , ? Cant waitto see pictures , I think everyoneof us is guilty offlooding the forum with picturesof ourfurred kids lol we lovepictures.
Hi and welcome to the forum!

What a story you have with those bunnies. It really warms my heart tohear it though, not the bad situations of course, but the happy outcomefor all of them with you saving their lives. I too have a rescue bunny(then my herd grew to three total).

Can't wait to see pics!
Hi Madbunnylady and welcome to the forum,

So nice of you to take in the lovely bunnies. They all deserve a good home.

Iadopted a five month old NetherlandDwarf called Pebbles from my vet. She was left at the vetsoffice to be euthanized, but the doctor decided againstit, and kept her alive. Pebblesis very healthy now and very happy to be with us.

Rainbows! :angel:
:wink:Welcome to the forum madbun. Itsounds like a wonderful little bunny family you have. I have2 mini lops Turbo (f) and Buddy (m) used to be female but thats anotherstory and King Arthur a 11 wk old Dutch and of course Nalla my 1 1/2 yrold pit bull and my newest edition Izzy B my 2 month old Siberian Huskywe brought home Tuesday. Welcome aboard the wildkindom. And yes pics pics pics


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