New Member
My name is Wendy, and I am the founder/manager of Magic Happens Rabbit Rescue in LA. Though I don't frequent forums often, I do try to putour groupout there as a resource if needed in a variety of outlets, including myspace and livejournal (ran by another volunteer).
Most of our basic info can be found at our website - www.magichappensrescue.com. Some quick stats - we have had 172 total adoptions (that includes rabbits, guinea pigs, and ferrets, and ifa rabbit was adopted, came back to the rescue, and adopted again, we only counted it as one adoption) in the last couple years. We will have our 3rd birthday in November. Our complete story can be found online, but we started extremely small (just me, then another girl for a year) but we are now up to 12 volunteers. This year we were featured in the Baton Rouge's The Advocate newspaper and held an exhibit at the LSU Veterinary School of Medicine's Open House, where over 6,000 visitors walked through the doors, and a large part of them stopped to visit with our resident rabbits who were there for a meet & greet! We are here for rescues & adoptions first and foremost, but enjoy being a resource for our local community now that we have more manpower.
About myself- I loved animals all my life, but only got into rabbits seriously just 5 years ago. Just after I acquired my first rabbits I began working at a large chain pet store. Though I don't agree with everything they do, I figured it was one way I could make a difference - be an employee that customers could use as a resource, and to this day, I still have people who met me in the store call me up for a bunny nail trim, and acquired our third volunteer that way! Now I work for the vet clinic who has done the vast majority of our spays & neuters for the last couple years. Though we have 3 vets there, only the 17-yr one really deals with exotics, from rabbits to goats to monkeys! I thoroughly enjoy working there as I learn so much every day, on medical issues, the general public's view on animal issues and their pets care, rescue groups (we have at least 5 others who bring their animals there for low-cost spay/neuters) and their struggles and accomplishments, and so much more. I enjoy every minute of it as I've dealt with the husbandry side of pet care for many years, I am finally learning more of the medical side of it, and how the two relate.
I do understand that there were some issues with a volunteer of ours who used to post here. From what I understand, there was a lot of he-said she-said, flaming, etc., I have just recently signed up with this group and do not know who said what, did what, etc., so I start with a clean slate and offer any questions, whether rescue related, rabbit care related, or the previous issue (PM only please), or anything else you would like to talk about.
I try to be very open-minded and understand that there are many opinions out there other than my own, and all have their right places. Our rescue is compromised of a vegan, a vegetarian, a few meat-eaters, and 1 or 2 who fish and/or hunt (and eat what they shoot)... and all sit at the table after a clean-up day and are friends. Not saying every place is like that, but wouldn't that be nice! 
Anyway, that's me and my too-longintro.
~ Wendy
My name is Wendy, and I am the founder/manager of Magic Happens Rabbit Rescue in LA. Though I don't frequent forums often, I do try to putour groupout there as a resource if needed in a variety of outlets, including myspace and livejournal (ran by another volunteer).
Most of our basic info can be found at our website - www.magichappensrescue.com. Some quick stats - we have had 172 total adoptions (that includes rabbits, guinea pigs, and ferrets, and ifa rabbit was adopted, came back to the rescue, and adopted again, we only counted it as one adoption) in the last couple years. We will have our 3rd birthday in November. Our complete story can be found online, but we started extremely small (just me, then another girl for a year) but we are now up to 12 volunteers. This year we were featured in the Baton Rouge's The Advocate newspaper and held an exhibit at the LSU Veterinary School of Medicine's Open House, where over 6,000 visitors walked through the doors, and a large part of them stopped to visit with our resident rabbits who were there for a meet & greet! We are here for rescues & adoptions first and foremost, but enjoy being a resource for our local community now that we have more manpower.
About myself- I loved animals all my life, but only got into rabbits seriously just 5 years ago. Just after I acquired my first rabbits I began working at a large chain pet store. Though I don't agree with everything they do, I figured it was one way I could make a difference - be an employee that customers could use as a resource, and to this day, I still have people who met me in the store call me up for a bunny nail trim, and acquired our third volunteer that way! Now I work for the vet clinic who has done the vast majority of our spays & neuters for the last couple years. Though we have 3 vets there, only the 17-yr one really deals with exotics, from rabbits to goats to monkeys! I thoroughly enjoy working there as I learn so much every day, on medical issues, the general public's view on animal issues and their pets care, rescue groups (we have at least 5 others who bring their animals there for low-cost spay/neuters) and their struggles and accomplishments, and so much more. I enjoy every minute of it as I've dealt with the husbandry side of pet care for many years, I am finally learning more of the medical side of it, and how the two relate.
I do understand that there were some issues with a volunteer of ours who used to post here. From what I understand, there was a lot of he-said she-said, flaming, etc., I have just recently signed up with this group and do not know who said what, did what, etc., so I start with a clean slate and offer any questions, whether rescue related, rabbit care related, or the previous issue (PM only please), or anything else you would like to talk about.
Anyway, that's me and my too-longintro.
~ Wendy