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Dec 8, 2008
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Hello all,

I first joined this forum about three years ago when my bun experienced his first bout of GI Stasis. The information I received here helped me and him get through what was my first experience with him being ill. Since then the information from that thread has proved invaluable as it has helped me, numerous times, notice the warning signs and prevent a full-blown bout of stasis.

I somehow forgot about this forum and happened to come across it again this weekend so I thought I'd join back up and attempt to become an active member (I say attempt because I have a tendency to get distracted and forget about forums rather quickly :rollseyes).

So, my bun is a male Dutch named Dutch Amadeus Maxim, he is called Dutch and Amadeus (or various nicknames derived from either) interchangeably. I adopted him in November of 2007 from the local Humane Society as an "adult" with no real estimate of his age.

He is a happy, healthy little man that gets into everything he can.


Welcome again! Your rabbit is adorable! What a cute name! He sounds like quite the character. :biggrin:

This forum is so helpful.. It's the only one I check on a regular basis. I bookmarked it as soon as I joined and I visit all the time to read up and learn more about rabbits. Everyone here is so helpful and know so much. :D
Welcome back! My first bun, Fiona (RIP) was a Dutch so I have a soft spot for the breed. Yours is quite handsome.
Welcome to the forums again :) Your dutch is very handsome and I'm glad everything turned out okay. I also get distracted from forums so you are not alone lol

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