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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2005
Reaction score
Hertfordshire, , United Kingdom
the other night i went out in the garden around 9ish to feed my bunnies ans saw a hedgehog sitting on our lawn!

its not very big and as its nearly winter im thinking of getting somecat or dog food to give to it to help them make it through the winter!

what do others think i should or not do?

thanks for any help you can give me!
ive made a sort of shelter for them with a bitof my bunnies old straw in it. im goign to get some tinned cat foodtomorrow and put out a dish of water!

hope this helps the little hedgehog and maybe its family survive the winter!
Yes you can put out cat/dog food for them butdon't put out milk, I'm sure I've heard somewhere that they shouldn'teat it. Also remember hedgehogs hibernate in the winter so he maydisappear fora few months, although I'm sure he'll appreciatethe extra food to help him store up fat.;)

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