Healthy Sticks?

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Sep 20, 2010
Reaction score
Pacific Northwest, , USA
My two bunnies think chewing on sticks is the best thing. My parents live in an apple orchard, so they occasionally get a box of freshly cut up apple wood, but given the rate they chew we would need 100 acres to sustain their habit. What other types of wood are safe for bunnies to chew on?
I've heard of people that give their buns a chopped log from their wood pile, but I've never done it :? Doesn't sound very appetizing if you ask me.
I give my guys Lilac branches. But only from the smooth bark plants. But thats just because I'm too lazy to peel the bark off and we have a tree that has really rough bark and our neighbours have one thats all smooth, so I just chop chunks off their tree ;) Plus they LOVE when I give them a bunch of Lilac flowers to eat.
Ohhh LILAC, I'm definitely going to do that for my buns. That sounds awesome! Good for them and awesome for me to smell!
My bunnies don't really chew on wood. More on paper and toilet paper rolls.

BTW, we call headphones, cans. lol

Welcome to the forum. What type of bunnies do you have? Please post pics. We love to look at bunnies!

Staples at our house are: willow, apple, birch, and spruce. For the last two, our buns mainly enjoy the leaves and the little "birch thistles."