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I have a rabbit who went to bed last night just fine. This morning her back legs seem to be paralized. Does anyone have any idea what could be happening.
this is a nuerological problem stemming from bacterial-perhaps e.cunculini--which requires a blood test--i don,t know if this is reversible--lets hope so--radiograph is necesarry if the spine is damaged due to kicking etc.--sincerely james wallerI don't want to hijack a thread, but I am having the same problem with my rabbit Fred. I rescued him and Ethel from the side of the road a year and a half ago. They each weigh about 5 pounds. They eat Timothy hay, carrots, and this rainbow colored rabbit kibble stuff they love. They are in a little two story "condo" cage inside the house. Their teeth and nails are fine. Poop and pee normal.
So this morning the house call vet came and saw our cats and dog. I asked if he could see the rabbits (he is rabbit savvy). He examined them and everything was fine. Fred is skiddish, so he struggled a bit. My sister and I put them away. Then 5 min later I walked by the cage and saw Fred lying there and it looked weird to me. I went and asked the vet. He said Fred was probably super stressed. After he left I made my sister look. She said take him out and set him down. I did and we were horrified to see the rabbit flop and struggle and not move his hind legs. I called the vet and took the rabbit to him at a meeting two hours later. He said he saw Fred move his hind legs a bit, drawing them up away from the hemostat. So he gave Fred an injection of anti-inflammatories. Now we are waiting. No difference yet. I am beside myself. Now I am reading about E. Cuniculi or whatever. I want him on metacam or whatever. I don't know if I can afford an x-ray... Help?!!!