Thank you. I was on the other forum and saweveryone moved so I thought I should try this site out too. Its great.My rabbit, Thumper developed it a week ago with the typical symptoms ofnot eating or poops. I took him to my vet for the various tests and thebullas are filled with the pus that often causes the pressure thatleads to the tilt. He is on 4 different medications and for the past 2days has been eating tons of greens, hay and some pellets. He hasstarted to poop, though small but a lot of them. Cecals are alsostarting to come back. So far the head tilt is still there at times inthe 3 o'clock position, but his balance is much better and the rollinghas stopped that he is moving around his cage pretty good. We may beputting him on the injectible pecicillin on Friday and will befollowing up with another xray of his head to check out the bulla.