New Member
I've been lurking here and at other bun forums for a few days while dealing with a 5 year old sick bunny. I am posting here because this seems to be populated with the most knowledgable bun people. Trying to be brief, while still providing enough info, here's my situation. I took bun to the vet last Monday after noticing signs of head tilt the night before. She was prescribed Baytril, which after only 2 doses began to improve the tilting. By Thursday , she lost her appetite and just wasnt her usual naughty self. On Saturday I skipped a dose of baytril hoping it would improve her eating, and she began to tilt again. She also develope snuffles. I discovered, thanks to you all, that she might accept food by hand. Thus began the hand feeding, bits of veg, but also pellets soaked in water.I'm also sneaking the meds into her this way.The tilt disappeared within afew hours.She hasnt had a poo in about 48 hours or a pee in about 20 hours. I called the vet yesterday and was told the most important thing was to keep giving her the baytril.Last night she ate on her own for the first time since this started.This morning, after a great night she is tilting again but to the opposite side. I got her first dose of baytril in her but I'm worried she is backsliding,or perhaps the tilt is caused by something more serious than an infection. The issue here is that the vet she saw last week is off for a while and the one in her place isnt very savvy about rabbits. Does anyone have any experience with something like this?