Head coverings(for cancer pateints)

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Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2007
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Orlando, Florida, USA
Hey guys. right now mom and i have decided my job is to figure out head coverings for her in case she looses her hair(she's having chemo and surgery, not sure when or in what order, for breast cancer).

i've done some google searches and i'm coming up with a bit, but not much. so i was wondering if you guys might have some suggestions or ideas or websites or something as to-

~where to get them(i'm toying with the idea of those scarves that american eagle has right now. they have so many pretty colors and patterns! but i'm not sure if the size of ok or not..............?............)

~what kind of fabric(cotton, silk, sythnic(sp?), etc)

~how do you tie them so they don't look dumb and stay on?

i'm sure i'll think of other questions about this:p

thanks guys:)
Have you tried joining forums for people who have cancer? I bet you would get SUCH a wealth of ideas from there (that's just a helpful suggestion, not an 'you shouldn't have posted' type suggestion).

I hope your mum does ok with all her treatments.

Flashy wrote:
Have you tried joining forums for people who have cancer? I bet you would get SUCH a wealth of ideas from there (that's just a helpful suggestion, not an 'you shouldn't have posted' type suggestion).

I hope your mum does ok with all her treatments.


yeah, i found one for breast cancer. but it'snot kicking out the e-mail, soooo:rollseyes

and i know y'all, so i figured i'd ask:p
My sister inlaw had breast cancer a couple of years ago. She will most likely lose her hair and if it's long..... have her get it cut short so it's not so dramatic.

One funny sorta place you can get skull caps is at places like Tractor Supply - they are big with men now LOL!

She should get info from the doc and/or hospital but here are some things I know:

Also, My SIL got a wig and wore it like 2 x ..... it wasn't worth it! She preferred the scarves..... she also got bandanas, but they have patterns even for the scarves......



The pink cancer ribbon one on this page is ADORABLE - a little pricey tho:


yeah, it's 'long'. longer than most of the other ladies around us, any way:p. 3-4 inches from her shoulders. and that's just been cut recently:(.

there's no way she's gonna do a wig. my grandma's friend had breast cancer a few years ago and had one and said it was really scratchy.

she went to the doctor today(idk on which one:rollseyes). she's having a ton of tests on thursday and one on saturday and after that she'll/we'll find out what's gonna happen and in what order and whether or not she'll lose her hair.

thanks for all the help. i found a forum on a website called breastcancer.org and i'm going to be posting on there in a minute, so i'll see how that goes.

thanks again guys. have i told you lately that y'all ROCK?
Maybe if you join a breast cancer forum, there will be a "Swap Meet" section...where members make scarves/bandannas and sell them to donate the money to breast cancer research. These are usually sewing machine sewn and are much cheaper then in stores or online stores.

My rat forum has such a section for hammocks and such, a lot of the sellers donate to rat rescues.

I am very sorry to hear about your mom. I really do hope every thing turns out okay for your family.
I work with a great lady who is a breast cancer survivor. If your mom would like to talk to someone let me know and I will PM you her name and phone number. If you PM me also include your mom's name so I can tell her who will be calling.
Both my mother and my boss went through chemo and lost all their hair. My boss actually had a buzz cut before she lost it all because it was bugging her so much. My mother got a wig and hated it. She much prefered nothing or scarves and hats. My boss had so many beautiful hats and scarves. She even had one with fake dreadlocks that she would wear to chemo. I know it sounds weird, but she actually had some fun with it and I think it helped her stay positive and cheered up the people around her too.

Best wishes to your mother and you:pray:
Same here - I just want to let you know I'll be thinking of your mom and you, and wishing her the best of luck, it's a lot to go through but I bet she'll come through this ok in the end!

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