Well-Known Member
I need some advice on my two bunnies Thumper and Willow. Thumper is a neutered dwarf male who has always been kind of nasty, it started when he hit that age. Ever since he's always been nasty. He would lunge and bite me aswell has he didn't want anyone near his cage. After he was neutered he got a whole lot better, he stopped lunging at us but he still didn't like anyone getting inside his cage with him in it. A month after the neutering we got our minilop/minirex unspayed female. She can't be spayed yet because she's not old enough. She's 4 months old today, and the vet won't spay until 6 months. She has never had any problems at all. She chewed nothing but the toys you give her, she's litter trained. She's very timid too. Tonight thumper got behind the cage and jumped on the shelf that is the same level as willows cage level and Willow saw and friendly went over to sniff, she's never shows any aggression to Thumper but Thumper absolutely hates her. He has tried to bite her for the 4th time tonight and I don't think he'll ever change.. I think he'll just stay nasty to everyone. And tonight was the scary one because he got her pretty bad when he bit her, he drew blood. Keep in mind he was stuck back there and I couldn't get him out and he was outside the cage while she was inside. But what should I do? I was going to bond them once she was spayed but I don't think thumper will ever bond with any rabbit considering he's given me nothing but trouble. I do love him but I don't know what else to do. If there's no chance of making him better with her I'll have to give him away. Please help ); here's a picture of her bite