He drew blood

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Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Miami, Florida, USA
I was giving the buns their late night snack like always and when I reached in to give Bugs his treat he nipped at me. I thought he might have mistaken my hand for the treat so I went to try again, this time he bit me HARD. I started bleeding and its a pretty deep gash, he even bit thru a piece of my nail. I cried my eyes out like a little child. It wasnt because of the pain, because I already dont even feel it.. it was just the shock I guess? He has NEVER EVER bitten me. I feel so hurt. I spend so much time with them. I dedicate at least 2 hours full attention after work and then pets and loving in between, all the way to bed time. How can he do this? Why? My paycheck is almost non existent because how much I spoil them! I'm growing grass for them for crying out loud, and thats just not like me..I treat them like my kids!! I trimmed his nails today, could he be mad at me for that? Today was banana day..he loves banana day, I just dont get it. I'm upset and sad.. my buddy bit me :(

If it were another bun and not Bugsy I dont think I would be so bothered, but Bugsy???????? :( :(

This kinda turned into a vent, i'm sorry..
How old is Bugsy? If he's a young intact male it's possible the hormones are starting to kick in and he was feeling territorial about his cage.
I know my bunny will bite me when I'm in HIS cage if I'm not careful, and I know my other friends with bunnies experience this too.
It's also conceivable you really smelled like a banana, was he grunting @ you?
Good luck :) Don't let it ruin your relationship, bunnies have bad days just like the rest of us.
I don't know why he did it, but from his perspective, he gave you a warning about something, you ignored the warning, so he took the next step.
My bun is 3 and neutered, and still likes to bite... despite me using all of the methods to stop getting buns to bite. :pssd: It upsets me too, and I get SO angry at him... you have to remember though that they can't talk, so they need to express themselves in other ways.

I think the main thing to remember is that bunnies like their own space (aka their cage), and don't like people sticking their hands into it. At least that's what I heard. Every once in a while when I put him in for bed I can't resist and I need to give him some pets... and he'll bite me. Suppose I should've learned my lesson by now!

I hear you about pay cheques going to your bunny though... so spoiled :p
Good luck with it!
I'm guessing you smelled like banana and he thought you were holding out on him, that you weren't letting go of the treat. From what you have said of Bugsy he isn't aggressive, so my bet is that he was confused. Remeber, rabbits can't see right in front of their faces, they go on smell. :hug:
Awww so sorry Maria. I get exactly what you are feeling! It's almost like a betrayal because you love him much and spoil them so much and a hard bite out of no where is the last thing you want in return!

When Agnes pees on the couch it's a little bit of the same feelings (on a waaay smaller scale though) because I do so much for her to have as much free run as possible and it's like she's stabbing me in the back! Haha

Don't give up on him, you'll gain that trust again. He loves you he just for some reason didn't want your hand in the cage I guess.....hang in there!
It's also supposed to be a good idea to move food bowls around in the cage so they don't become as territorial about a specific spot.
oh I like the idea of moving food dishes. That makes a lot of sense. Derby every once in awhile will grunt and snort. He still scratches to get down when being held too long. One of our other bunnies bit me once right through the nail. I too, had a good long cry. It was so shocking to have him do it. I agree maybe you just smelt like a great big banana, or he was having an off day.
I also would first ask if he's neutered. My second thought is also that maybe you smelled like food. I once was putting some peanuts outside for the squirrels and then came back in and did something with Timmy. He couldn't stop smelling my fingers and then did try to bite me.
Then I wonder if maybe you aren't spoiling them too much. You may need to establish some boundaries. Are there places they know they can't go; things they know they can't do?
missyscove wrote:
I also would first ask if he's neutered. My second thought is also that maybe you smelled like food. I once was putting some peanuts outside for the squirrels and then came back in and did something with Timmy. He couldn't stop smelling my fingers and then did try to bite me.
Then I wonder if maybe you aren't spoiling them too much. You may need to establish some boundaries. Are there places they know they can't go; things they know they can't do?

LOL there are things my buns know they can't do, they do it anyway, then binky back to their house when I scold them. Just because you set boundaries doesn't mean they will be followed.

However, Sophie grunts at me when I pick her up. I just cover her face in kisses, which makes her mad. She has leaned that grunting gets her nowhere from me, but she still tries sometimes.
He isnt neutered, but has an appointment on the 22nd (they changed my intial appt) AND I CANT WAIT!

Bugsy is about 1 1/2 years young :)

I dont think he thought I was food. It was almost like his bite was SERIOUS! I think you all are right when you say that he's territorial and he wants me out of HIS cage. I guess I need to respect that :(

He did give me a warning I chose to ignore.. I would never ever ever ever give up on my Bugs, I still love him and i'm not mad anymore. I was a bit nervous petting him today, but everything went smooth.

Thank you all!
Definitely neuter. Sounds like "hutch aggression" or territorial behavior. I'd pin or take him out and roll him on his belly--you've got to be the "Alpha" and let him know you won't tolerate that kind of behavior. I don't mind so much when they box, but biting and bleeding is not on my list of things I like or will tolerate. Since you have to do a certain amount of work in and around the hutch, you have to get them used to your presence or else life becomes a series of bandaids.
I dont understand Larry, can this just suddenly happen? I have always messed around in his cage, pet him, cleaned around him... ever since i built this NIC cage he's gone mad :|
Is it possible that since he's living so close to Oreo now (pretty much seperated by a NIC panel) that he's bonding with her and hating me now?

I was so darn shocked I just ran away crying, lol. I swear I felt like a 5 year old. Thank goodness hubby was there for hugs and support. I should have pinned him though, hmph.
Perhaps he feels like he needs to defend the territory, be the man of the house, now? Having kits around, particularly so close he may be more protective? I'm just thinking that in the wild the bucks protect the wider warren area and the does protect their burrows. :?

I so wish I could speak rabbit!
he is probably bonding with her, but in the same time becoming more territorial male and agressive with the female right next door. Yup, you are definitely going to have to assume the dominate, alpha position. Follow Larry's advice.
Brandy I wish for the same!!!!!

I will def take this advice and do what I gotta do!

I cant wait until 8/22... I get to take my bun to the vets on my birthday! I'll never forget this bday, thats forsure! lol

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