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Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2013
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We just got two bunnies and my husband is building an outdoor hutch for them. I am wondering what to use in their bed area to keep them warm when it's cold outside. I have read to use hay, but what kind? They eat the Timothy Hay so do you use just hay that comes in a bale like from a farm supply store (Tractor Supply is near us)?
You should have a completely enclosed shelter along with hay. Anything but alfalfa (when they are over 6 months) should work:) I get my hay from a TSC in the bags because my buns dont go through that much:)
Thanks for the information RabbitGirl101. The hutch we are planning will have a shelter that will be separated from an open area except for a doorway for them to pass though. Is it okay for that to be an open doorway or should it have some sort of doggie-door-type flap on it? Also, is there a chance they will eat the hay that is for their bedding or is it not as tasty as the Timothy Hay?
You could use straw in their house rather than hay. Straw is super cheap. I think straw holds heat better than hay does.

They still need timothy or other grass hays to eat though.
If you pack their house full of hay, they won't be able to eat all of it, but they'll probably nibble it.

I put coastal hay in my chicken coops in the winter and I think it helped to keep them warm. My hen did hatch eggs in January in a hay nest, so clearly it was keeping them warm enough.
An open door should do just fine:) They most likely will nibble on the hay(they are curious little things lol:) ) Like whitelop suggested, straw wouldnt be a bad idea. Straw is known to insulate, so it could keep your buns warmer during the winter.
Keep in mind right before winter they will molt out into a thicker coat, which will make them more resistant to the colder weather. They just need a place that they can get away from the elements, and if it is under 32 degrees a little enclosed spot could help keep the water from freezing.

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