Heidi's Mom
I am actually new here and I DO plan to post an introduction, but I don't have my bunny's picture on this laptop. So I'm holding off on doing the intro for when I have some good pictures of my baby to show!
Anywho. I've had my bunny bun, Heidi, for about 2 years (2 years in October, oh how time does fly!) and during this time, the bedding I have given her is hay. She's not one to eat much hay so I use it in her environment in the hope that she nibbles it while resting, while playing, or anything like that. However, I am getting a Netherland Dwarf buck in August - he will be neutered the following month - and I was wondering if I should switch to a different bedding.
I spent about an hour at Walmart yesterday cataloging prices on bedding, seeds, trays, and materials for the trays in preparation for some serious overhauls. I'm building a new hutch this summer, a double enclosure, and I am debating whether to stick with hay/straw or switch to a more "plush" bedding.
Heidi seems to like her hay - it is part of how she got her name. When I get her in October of '11, I checked on her about an hour after I settled her in (I backed off to give her some space - I didn't want to overwhelm her) and she was hiding in the hay. All I could see were two little blue ears poking some of the hay up and her twitchy nose. So thus, she became Heidi!
However, I must note that I unfortunately have to keep my bunnies outside. They were adequately cared for, however, and very much loved. Heidi is healthy and happy and I make sure she is never too hot or too cold and predators have never been a concern - she is well protected. The same will go for my Netherland Dwarf, once he is here. (Though everyone is in love with him so far from his picture from the breeder, so I believe I may be on the verge of convincing my family to let me bring them in... Fingers crossed!) My bunny is healthy and happy (and very gentle and loving - she is very affection seeking) so please do not bash me for them having to stay outside. I understand the dangers and risks and I thwart them each in turn adequately.
Now! My research led me to the bedding "Critter Care Natural". At my local Walmart, it is $18.97 for a bag that is compressed to 1,571 cubic inches and expands to 3,667 cubic inches. I believe that'd last me quite a while, but I worry that perhaps it isn't good for rabbits? I read online that hamster owners didn't like it so much because it didn't hold burrows and made their hams itchy but I couldn't find many in-depth reviews for rabbit owners. The last thing I want to do is make Heidi and the Nethie I get uncomfortable!
I would get Carefresh but I've heard that some bunnies really like to eat it. I know rabbits will sample stuff but some reviews I've read say the rabbits will chow down on it. I don't want my buns to get a blockage from their bedding!
Right now, the hay I get is free from a family friend who bales his own hay. If a bale busts in the field, he scrapes it together and my grandpa brings it to me. I usually don't use the whole bale as it is a HUGE bale, but I did have a smaller bale of alfalfa I used when Heidi was a baby - I used it for bedding and feed.
I shake out all the hay and discard anything that looks dirty (like dark strands or any other thing I might see, such as bugs - which I have seen none of, but I always check) before I put it in the cage. I like that the hay can safely be eaten by her as it is orchard grass mix. Its not the timothy hay I'd like for her to have, but I am going to plant a couple trays of that in the coming weeks.
So my question is, is it okay for my rabbits to continue using hay as their bedding? Or should I switch them to a paper/aspen bedding? I'm thinking of using hay as the bedding and something more odor absorbent in the litter boxes as Heidi tends to eat the hay in her litter box - yuck! I think she thinks her litterbox is more of a bed than a litterbox...
I'm also wondering if anyone has some input on double enclosure hutches that I could build, with a dropping pan, and would have an insert between the two enclosures that can later be removed to make one giant hutch. The hutch plan I found online that I like is this one:
I love the design of it and, judging from that Dutch's size, that's a very spacious hutch. Does anyone have any plans that are better/have that sort of design to it? I'm curious about how I could put protection up around something like that, too. What sort of fence could I put around it during the night/times when I can't be there to watch them to keep cats and dogs out? Those are the main worries for us, we live in the city limits and don't suffer from many opossum/raccoon attacks or anything... Some people suggest a breathable tarp/netting and holding it down with stones on each end but I worry about the breath-ability of it during the hot and humid months here in Tennessee.
We've been keeping my bunny in the enclosed chicken pen which, for a year, was vacant. Recently my grandpa got chickens (Ugh, how I despise them...) and they are pooping all over my poor bunny's cage and the smell of the chickens is, well, overpowering... So we're going to make her a new cage to put elsewhere. But first we need a design for a hutch. I love the openness of the above hutch but I want a slide-out tray for droppings and the hutch must be easy to attach a run/playpen to and does anyone have suggestions for how I could do that to the above hutch?
I'm so sorry for the long post, I tried to not ramble too much! But it is a habit of mine, it would seem. If you want to skip through all the content and straight to my questions, here you go:
Bedding related: Is hay OK to use or should I use some other type of bedding? (I kind of want to use a different bedding for the litter pan so as to make the difference between potty and "home bedding" more prominent) If you have a certain brand/type you highly suggest, please let me know!
Hutch-related question is: What can I use at night as fencing/protection from cats and dogs around the hutch (It will be in an area that is completely shaded - our carport that is used for cookouts and has a ton of space) and... Are there any other similar designs to the one I posted earlier that you would recommend?
Thank you so much for your patience! And thank you to anyone who takes the time to read and respond.
I am actually new here and I DO plan to post an introduction, but I don't have my bunny's picture on this laptop. So I'm holding off on doing the intro for when I have some good pictures of my baby to show!
Anywho. I've had my bunny bun, Heidi, for about 2 years (2 years in October, oh how time does fly!) and during this time, the bedding I have given her is hay. She's not one to eat much hay so I use it in her environment in the hope that she nibbles it while resting, while playing, or anything like that. However, I am getting a Netherland Dwarf buck in August - he will be neutered the following month - and I was wondering if I should switch to a different bedding.
I spent about an hour at Walmart yesterday cataloging prices on bedding, seeds, trays, and materials for the trays in preparation for some serious overhauls. I'm building a new hutch this summer, a double enclosure, and I am debating whether to stick with hay/straw or switch to a more "plush" bedding.
Heidi seems to like her hay - it is part of how she got her name. When I get her in October of '11, I checked on her about an hour after I settled her in (I backed off to give her some space - I didn't want to overwhelm her) and she was hiding in the hay. All I could see were two little blue ears poking some of the hay up and her twitchy nose. So thus, she became Heidi!
However, I must note that I unfortunately have to keep my bunnies outside. They were adequately cared for, however, and very much loved. Heidi is healthy and happy and I make sure she is never too hot or too cold and predators have never been a concern - she is well protected. The same will go for my Netherland Dwarf, once he is here. (Though everyone is in love with him so far from his picture from the breeder, so I believe I may be on the verge of convincing my family to let me bring them in... Fingers crossed!) My bunny is healthy and happy (and very gentle and loving - she is very affection seeking) so please do not bash me for them having to stay outside. I understand the dangers and risks and I thwart them each in turn adequately.
Now! My research led me to the bedding "Critter Care Natural". At my local Walmart, it is $18.97 for a bag that is compressed to 1,571 cubic inches and expands to 3,667 cubic inches. I believe that'd last me quite a while, but I worry that perhaps it isn't good for rabbits? I read online that hamster owners didn't like it so much because it didn't hold burrows and made their hams itchy but I couldn't find many in-depth reviews for rabbit owners. The last thing I want to do is make Heidi and the Nethie I get uncomfortable!
I would get Carefresh but I've heard that some bunnies really like to eat it. I know rabbits will sample stuff but some reviews I've read say the rabbits will chow down on it. I don't want my buns to get a blockage from their bedding!
Right now, the hay I get is free from a family friend who bales his own hay. If a bale busts in the field, he scrapes it together and my grandpa brings it to me. I usually don't use the whole bale as it is a HUGE bale, but I did have a smaller bale of alfalfa I used when Heidi was a baby - I used it for bedding and feed.
I shake out all the hay and discard anything that looks dirty (like dark strands or any other thing I might see, such as bugs - which I have seen none of, but I always check) before I put it in the cage. I like that the hay can safely be eaten by her as it is orchard grass mix. Its not the timothy hay I'd like for her to have, but I am going to plant a couple trays of that in the coming weeks.
So my question is, is it okay for my rabbits to continue using hay as their bedding? Or should I switch them to a paper/aspen bedding? I'm thinking of using hay as the bedding and something more odor absorbent in the litter boxes as Heidi tends to eat the hay in her litter box - yuck! I think she thinks her litterbox is more of a bed than a litterbox...
I'm also wondering if anyone has some input on double enclosure hutches that I could build, with a dropping pan, and would have an insert between the two enclosures that can later be removed to make one giant hutch. The hutch plan I found online that I like is this one:
I love the design of it and, judging from that Dutch's size, that's a very spacious hutch. Does anyone have any plans that are better/have that sort of design to it? I'm curious about how I could put protection up around something like that, too. What sort of fence could I put around it during the night/times when I can't be there to watch them to keep cats and dogs out? Those are the main worries for us, we live in the city limits and don't suffer from many opossum/raccoon attacks or anything... Some people suggest a breathable tarp/netting and holding it down with stones on each end but I worry about the breath-ability of it during the hot and humid months here in Tennessee.
We've been keeping my bunny in the enclosed chicken pen which, for a year, was vacant. Recently my grandpa got chickens (Ugh, how I despise them...) and they are pooping all over my poor bunny's cage and the smell of the chickens is, well, overpowering... So we're going to make her a new cage to put elsewhere. But first we need a design for a hutch. I love the openness of the above hutch but I want a slide-out tray for droppings and the hutch must be easy to attach a run/playpen to and does anyone have suggestions for how I could do that to the above hutch?
I'm so sorry for the long post, I tried to not ramble too much! But it is a habit of mine, it would seem. If you want to skip through all the content and straight to my questions, here you go:
Bedding related: Is hay OK to use or should I use some other type of bedding? (I kind of want to use a different bedding for the litter pan so as to make the difference between potty and "home bedding" more prominent) If you have a certain brand/type you highly suggest, please let me know!
Hutch-related question is: What can I use at night as fencing/protection from cats and dogs around the hutch (It will be in an area that is completely shaded - our carport that is used for cookouts and has a ton of space) and... Are there any other similar designs to the one I posted earlier that you would recommend?
Thank you so much for your patience! And thank you to anyone who takes the time to read and respond.